Sunday, November 8, 2015

HEADING/OPENING: Today is Saturday October 31, 2015. The time is 5:00 p.m., Today we ask beginning with a story.  I’m going to tell you about what I did to prepare for the radio broadcast of living well ministries.  I know that I I’ve told you this in some form or another at least one time probably at least three times but now I’m going to tell you something a little bit different in a slightly different version of it.

MOTTO:  1 Corinthians 14:19, “…I would rather speak 5 words with my own understanding that by my voice others might learn also, than to speak 10 thousand words in an unknown tongue.”

FOUNDATION: Genesis 1:29, Genesis 6:3, Hosea 4:6 and today, 2 Timothy 2:15. I feel it necessary to revisit these three verses because

DEDICATION:  I am going to dedicate today’s show to all my listeners. If today is your first time, your second, or if you’re a loyal WCON listener or someone told you to listen in. I don’t really care about any of that: I simply want to thank you for listening in and I am so so glad to know that you want to be healed.  

Today’s scripture 1 Chronicles 4:10. Not to be confused with Corinthians. The Chronicles is a supposedly historical account of the times. Corinthians is the apostle’s letters to the people who lived in the village of Corinth. Just in case anyone was confused.

Long ago—well, 15 years ago—when I was only curious about the work of ministry and what it involved, what I thought it involved, anyway, I came across a book entitled The Prayer of Jabez. The only time Jabez is mentioned in the bible is when this story is told. [I am convinced that a prayer does not have to be repeated again and again and again, in order to be heard and answered. I also believe that true, real, serious prayers, and dreams, move as if with wings and find their way to the heart of the Creator.]

So there, I was, when my life was giving me a bit of a ‘time’. I went to a friend –-a preacher, to be exact—for comfort and assistance. He gave me a book. Today, I am recalling this story for one reason: I absolutely understand the way in which Jabez spoke his wishes to God. It was simple: Bless me, indeed!—don’t just bless me a little; don’t just bless me every now and then, no. But really, really bless me. Let me know that you are there, you are on my side! You want to see me do well!
The word ‘Indeed’, is used to introduce or to speak a stronger point, to add emphasis to something already stated; read on…

Then, Jabez says [would you please] enlarge my territory! Give me more to do, add to my riches, to my friends, my fortunes. Indeed, give me endless opportunity to live, and to live well! Please, please, God, enlarge my territory.

DON’T LET NOBODY TELL YOU DIFFERENT: God responds to such emphasis. I recall a preacher from my youth, the great Rev. W.L. Whelchel saying that it disturbs God to see us suffer. Do not suffer; Make your desires known to God.

In the next thought, Jabez states: keep thy hand upon, and keep evil away from me, that I will know no harm. And the story concludes with: ‘God granted Jabez’ prayer.’ Simple as that:  Another way of stating that summary is: ask, and ye shall receive, ye shall! Amen

Now then, today is the last broadcast of Arise and Walk from this station. I told you several times that I’d be returning to blogtalkradio soon. I resumed my online radio show last week Sunday. You have two ways to listen: first, you can dial in on your phone:  213 325 3434. Or, on that same device, you can go to at 3:00 EDT Sunday—remember, Sunday, not Saturday. You will see my show listed; point and click and you’ll soon hear my voice. I love it! All without leaving home. 

TITLE: Change And Improve
Today’s Exegesis: You may have heard me say that I want to be famous for helping people. I have been prepared, taught, trained, experienced, yes, called, to do just this. I came to WCON because I knew I had to reach people before I could help them. Although I was previously on internet radio, I wanted to be heard here at home, where I live.

All this time, I have been praying the same prayer that Jabez prayed, even if in different words. I was always thinking about what else I could do; how could I fill up my classes; how could I sell more books. Indeed, how am I going to be able to help more people, to live well.

Beginning Saturday, November 1, I will be heard on WCHM FM Radio, 96.7, in Clarkesville, GA. I keep saying you’ll have to go to to find out my times. But you can also listen to that same radio station during the week and you’ll hear me announced. Likewise, /listen live. I will, of course, continue to hold twice-monthly classes at the Cornelia library. November’s classes will be Tuesday, November 3 and 17. I am still looking forward to a full room. I have this in common with other preachers: I do much better when I have a crowded room, so yawl, come on in. This way, when the New Year comes, you’ll already be prepared to start ‘losing weight’, and all those other health-related things that people resolve to do December 31st.

One thing to remember about asking for specific blessings: be prepared! It’s another way of saying, be careful what you ask for; you just might get it. I, for one, am convinced that we all have not because we ask not. So I asked. In order for me to move into larger territory, I have had to learn how to use various pieces of social media—still learning. I have had to turn up my research. I am soon to incorporate LivingWellMinistries into a real non-profit corporation; so for that, I am creating a board of directors. Then, I’ll have to learn some more about IRS regulations and such as that. Not only that, I am presently involved in a fund-raising campaign, for funding the spots on the new radio station. Please click, donate and share on all your sites, lists and pages. Thanks so much.

Let me say this about all the challenges I’m enjoying right now: I would certainly rather have to learn all this new information than to stay where I am, in a small, mediocre ‘territory’, with an end in sight. With the steps I’m now taking, there is no end in sight. Do you have any idea how many people listen in on blogtalkradio? Me, neither, but it’s a lot. When I was doing that show before, I averaged 5-7,000 per show. That many people hearing my voice at one time made me feel like a real celebrity.

ABOUT HEALTH:  What you can do to improve, enhance, recover your health, starting right now: Walk. Walk. Walk. Today. Tomorrow. The next day. Just walk. It’s a simple thing. Remember, it’s the number one way to hold off premature aging. So, please, yawl, walk.

Our Walking Path in Cornelia City Park

It would be easier to simply say exercise.  But that gives you too much extra work to do: thinking, planning, finding a partner, and lord forbid, excuses.  So I’m simply going to say walk! Seriously, it has become well known and documented to hold off premature aging, loss of mental energy, also often known as forgetfulness, depression, anxieties, and the most dreaded of all—dementia, the forerunner Alzheimer’s, for which they say there is no cure.  You decide if you want to be well and then if you do you do something to rise and walk every morning from here on in.

BOOK REVIEW: Lights Out: Sleep Sugar And Survival Written by TS Wiley and.  This book is written by an anthropologist and a medical Dr..  It traces humanity and humanities way of eating, back to the time when humans lived in caves.  I find the conclusions offered in this book to be quite fascinating and in very easy to accept.

It is important for me to have a conversational definition of what I’m learning. So I read and re-read endlessly. I generally move on when I have just about memorized certain portions. Still, though, there’s always something else to learn. Just for the fun of it, do you know that you know what these terms mean? I’d love to hear from you!

Central obesity
Circadian rhythm
High intensity interval training
Hydrogenated oil
Insulin sensitivity
Medium chain triglycerides

Now that should be enough of a list to get you thinking about what all this has to do with your health. I will tell you all this does that have something to do with your health.

Associated Internet/YouTube Sources:
Eric Berf, Chiropractor/Alternative Health – Endocrine Health [ ]
Butter Bob Briggs - Be Your Own Health Guru -
David Perlmutter - Exercise and Your Brain –

MY SISTER ANSWERED LAST WEEK’S TRIVIA QUESTION: Where were the first images found of one person working on another’s feet? No takers: they were inside the Egyptian pyramids. That’s right. It dates itself right back to ancient Africa. Again, I say: ain’t that something!  SHE WON A 15-MINUTE FOOT MASSAGE. I’M GIVING IT! I AM A REFLEXOLOGIST!!!

REDEDICATION: I have found that it’s not my dedication or even motivation that needs to be fired up: it’s just that I seem to operate really on last-minute inspiration. I really need to try to reschedule that. I don’t enjoy working up to a deadline—aka, the last minute. But seriously, I am thoroughly and completely dedicated to my work, and I thank you very much for listening, and providing me an opportunity to perform my duties.

Today's Assignment: stay with those kale shakes. No matter what. I have recently switched from bananas and blueberries to red grapes with a spoonful of ground flax seed. It comes out much more like a smoothie and u hardly taste the kale. That is, if you don’t care for it raw. Also, banana slows down weight loss because of the sugar content. For some reason, every time I tell somebody about this shake, I forget to say “add water”. Water is required; just 8 ounces. So you’re your water in, and blend away. 

CLOSING: Never forget to study! Never forget that you have been promised 120 years and whatever you do, please let us never forget that there is endless knowledge available for our assistance. Let’s live well, while we’re living.

I surely do hope that I’ve said something that will convince you, remind you, assure you, that you are indeed, fearfully and awesomely made. I trust you will find yourself acting on this fact, and that your acts will bring you to fuller days and restful nights. I hope that you will soon enjoy new inspiration for health and for wellness. Finally, my sincere hope is that you will soon decide and declare, that you do, indeed, want to get well, and you will make every possible dedicated effort, to arise, and to walk in health!  

SIGNATURE: I am SandraTeresa Davenport, your Health Reverend. I have enjoyed chatting with you today. I look forward to doing it again next week at the same time and location. I will be so glad to hear from you, any time!

Sincerely, Sandra d - TheHealthReverend


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