Monday, April 4, 2016

The time is 10:21 p.m. And today is Monday April 4, 2016. 

I am a little bit late but thanks to Google Voice typing I am getting this done before bed. Today's challenge is to write about travel. No problem.
I presently live in the house where I grew up. It is in rural Northeast Georgia. I have lived in four states [Alabama, Arizona, California, Indiana] and Washington DC. I have moved across country three times and I have driven across country four; the last time I was alone. I loved it I absolutely loved it.
I drove a thoroughly used BMW [which model I now forget and which I later discovered to have four dry-rotted tires]. There was an impressive sand storm in Eastern Arizona, but I wasn’t afraid.
Driving back to Atlanta that last time, I saw a mountain in El Paso, Texas. That's no surprise. I was just surprised because it springs up all of a sudden, alongside the freeway, in the middle of town! Loved it!
It has been my habit to move to a new place if I wanted to experience it. Taking a trip just wasn’t the same.
Until the first Sunday in April 1985, the furthest west that I had ever driven was Montgomery, Alabama. That day, I along with my sister and her boyfriend, took off on a trip from Atlanta, Georgia to Los Angeles, California [2,072.82 miles]. I was moving again. That was my home for four years and a few months. It was a long drive but we drove all day Sunday and overnight, then Monday afternoon we were in Phoenix, Arizona. I moved there another time, some years later.
I thought we would go through New Orleans but we didn't because New Orleans is off the beaten path. You don't pick up Highway 10 again until Texas.
I learned that Texas has mountains. I was thrilled to see the muddy River which borders Alabama and Mississippi.  I think it's the Mississippi River. Being that I'm writing from memory, I don't want to research it. 
On the westbound freeway through Texas and New Mexico, there are periodical signs posting the distance before water again.
I made this trip west once by Greyhound. The most impressive thing about this trip was being stopped by the Border Patrol in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The officers got on the bus and checked everyone's identification. That was a completely weird/scary experience. The weird/scary experience was seeing border patrol officers in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, just like you would see ordinary police officers anyplace else.
Travel has always been a lot of fun for me. I am restless by Nature and I love new adventures. As a matter of fact, I have been feeling extremely restless here recently. I calmed myself down by deciding that I would not move out of the state of Georgia again. I would just take trips instead.
As soon as I have completed all of the tasks assigned to me for this blog challenge, I taking off on a road trip. I'm going to places that I've never been before or places I have been but didn’t spend much time. I will begin with Asheville, North Carolina; then I'm going to the coast. Another time I’ll to Charleston; drive up the coast a little ways, eventually working my way to Baltimore [where my sister lives]. Then on another trip, I'm going to Boston. There I will visit the Howard Thurman Museum at Boston University. At some point between now and the middle of the summer, I’ll visit my relatives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. So that is the end of my blog about travel. I highly recommend it.
On my other list of places to see: the Chicago railyards, St. Louis Arch, Rocky Mountains, a Ranch in Montana!
NOTE: I will eventually write books about i] all the places I’ve lived; ii] I’ve rented] iii] jobs I’ve had and maybe even the iv] great books and stuff I’ve lost in the midst of it all.
SandraTeresa Davenport | The Health Reverend


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