Thursday, February 1, 2018

Hello, It's Me Again!How Have You Been! Yes, indeed, it is me again, and I am feeling so much better. In other words, feeling more like myself. I looked at my various interests and other things that motivated me previously. For a long time, I only had some slight interest in returning to them. My recovery continued. The way I could tell: at various stops along the...

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hello Everyone, Happy Sunday Evening... I don’t mean to speak and write non-stop on the topic of Recovery. I don’t want readers to become bored with what I have to say. I am working to Recover, and do it well and fully. But, on the other hand, I am—remember—an ordained, seminary-educated minister. My ministry’s motto is ‘Helping People To LiveWell.’ Not only that, I...

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Favorite Thing - The Red Podium I am now embarking upon a different plan of writing. ASIDE: along with writing more and writing consistently, I also need more, more and more interested readers. I have a great deal to learn about a successful blog, and I will, you’ll see. Today is Wednesday, May 3, 2017. I wrote this post out of the house because of cabin fever....

Sunday, April 30, 2017

 Hello Everyone, Happy Sunday, Again! I painted this, Myself! I'm so proud! I don’t know who reads my posts or who writes their own. I don’t know how many of you kind readers are truly interested in my topic[s]. [I know. I know, everyone is J.] I have received precious few responses to my posts, via my website. That all matters. But in other ways it don’t matter,...

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Hello, Everyone, It's Sunday Again...  I know, I might have titled last week’s post with the same, or very similar, words. It’s not that I think of nothing else these days. I do. The Building Where I was born! It’s just that I always think of my health, my healing, my future. Everything I read about these days is health-related, stroke survival. Other—often...

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Me, Being Happy! :) Oh boy, there’s a new week upon us. If there’s a new week, it means that I should have posted ­­before today [Tuesday]. I didn’t, so I’m doing it now. I continue with my most recent project [if you want to call it that]: Recovery. One of the most interesting parts of it is my continuing hallucinations. They don’t come as often and are not as horrifying...

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hello Everyone, and a Great Sunday night to you!  These three towns [I call them hamlets] are part of my life. I presently live in neither but have previously lived in two of them. They are all close together. We all have a bit of a drive to the grocery store, Wal-Mart, etc. That does not stop us from moving about,...

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