Thursday, April 14, 2016

Image result for confederate memorial day
I've seen this before, in person, at Stone Mountain Park. Stone Mountain, GA
Confederate Memorial Day, small town summer festivals, and the health benefits of beer have nothing to do with each other at first glance. However, on closer inspection, you will see a clear and definite connection.

Read on.

Confederate Memorial Day is the fourth Tuesday in April in various Southern States.

I discovered this holiday while living in Montgomery, Alabama and working as a State employee. One year, we had 22 state holidays. Two of those came the same week, Monday and Tuesday. I seem to recall Monday before Confederate Memorial Day was General Lee's birthday.
A State worker looks forward to any holiday. It could be Groundhog's Day; nobody would care.

Today I live in another southern state: Georgia, my home state. In this state I learned that Confederate Memorial Day has been erased from the list of official State holidays. Those are the holidays given to State of Georgia employees.

It seems that Governor Nathan Deal [BigDaddyDeal] decided that he's tired of hearing the conversation and the debate about this holiday. What that means to me is that BigDaddyDeal decided that we don't need to talk about things that make him uncomfortable.

Said Deal:
“It’s hopefully a good faith effort on the part of state government to lower the degree of debate and discussion, and to show that we are a state that has come a very long way. We are tolerant of a lot of things. But we will also protect our heritage. But this was not one of those areas area where I thought it was necessary to keep those labels associated with the holiday.” August 20, 2015 – AJC.COM  Read more, if you're interested. 

BigDaddyDeal [like all politicians] has no idea what he's doing. I don't think politicians are required to know history. I know they don't have any idea of the intelligence, intellect or awareness of the people for whom they speak--often speak so erroneously.

They just don’t relate...

Changing the name of a holiday won’t change history.
Changing the name of a holiday won’t make me feel differently.
Why don’t we all just embrace our Confederate Heritage.
Every American has a Confederate DNA.

For the Record: I am not offended by Confederate Memorial Day. I am not offended by the Confederate Flag. I am offended by police brutality. I am offended by racism and ignorance. If BigDaddyDeal can erase these things, tell him I said right own! 

NOTE: I am speaking about this issue only from my perspective [of what I know about it; my experiences with it and what I think about it]. I have done no research--except to learn that Confederate Memorial Day came into being one year after National Memorial Day [186]. The occasion was to commemorate the Confederate military dead.

CORRECTION: I reported on my local radio show that it was the other way around. I was wrong. I stand corrected.There are a few things I don’t like and there are a few things I can tolerate. But one thing I ab-so-lut-ly hate, detest, and despise is someone thinking and making decisions for me without any idea of what I want for myself.

That is known as Paternalism and yawl know how I feel about isms.

Now, it wouldn’t be so bad if BidDaddyDeal had tried to see how we felt about it; or if he had done an internet/AJC poll, or even if he’d called a few of us down to the State House to talk it over.

If he did any of these things, I never heard of it.

So, instead of asking me how I felt about it, he just decided he was tired of all the debate and discussion and there went the holiday. Oh, people still have the day off. The name just changed to a generic state holiday. Remember, he did it hopefully.

Now that it’s spring, people all over the world are having festivals.

My hometown, Cornelia, Georgia, we are having a festival this very weekend, Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16. You won’t believe it: there’s going to be beer sold at the festival! I don't think I have ever been to a festival in my hometown where beer was available. Not only that, we now have a brewery right downtown.

Image result for whistle top brew company

Besides that, Beer Drinking Season officially begins on Confederate Memorial Day [I know because I said so.].

If you start this weekend with us you have a few days’ head start when the holiday comes.

This is just the coolest thing. Okay, so now you want to know about where the health benefits come in, right?

Here we go:

If you have ever heard my name or seen my website or read any of my blogs, you realize that I TheHealthReverend. I am a seminary-educated, ordained minister. That means my job is to look for health benefits in everything [food, drinks, herbs, oils, lotions, potions].

So it turns out that beer actually does have health benefits.

  • Beer relieves insomnia--everybody knows that.
  • Beer relieves indigestion.
  • Beer helps to strengthen kidneys.
That's just a beginning but there's a whole lot more.

My point: Attend beer festivals this summer. Don't wait for Memorial Day!

He's friendly but I didn't get his name. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The last two topics that I remember on this blog challenge were Write What You Know and Finishing Something. So I'm going to do these in that order.
It is a bit of a historical presentation, which I would have done, but some time later. Thanks again to Jeff Goins for his nudge. 
What I know and what I love and what really thrills my brain is internet technology [IT]. I don’t know a great deal about Internet Technology. I mean that I have a very good relationship with it.
I am not one of those people who avoided it. I wanted to learn and use Facebook. I wanted a cell phone [and not just for roadside emergencies].
This is all about how I came to know and love Internet Technology and some of the developments that I have seen a long way.
I entered internet technology when it was still called automation.  Automation was the experience of going from everything being manually operated to everything being somehow electrical and much more efficient to use.
The year must have been somewhere around 1963. I was in the 7th grade. I took my first and only typing class. I learned to type on a manual Royal typewriter that had no letters on its keys. There were 12 of those machines in the typing room and the English [Mrs. Queenelle Neal] teacher also taught the typing class. It even had an automatic carriage return key. 
Mrs. Neal owned a Smith Corona electric typewriter which she brought to school with her once in awhile. It had its own carrying case. She wanted us to know what an electric machine was like. So she let us take turns and it was a thrill.
Image result for smith corona electric typewriter
In the seventh grade I broke my typing speed on a heavy, black, metal, manual Underwood typewriter with gold painted letters. I typed 72 words a minute.
I also learned office equipment which included a transcriber, an adding machine, a bookkeeping machine and probably something else that I have forgotten.
My employment rested on my typing ability.
My first full-time job was clerk-typist. I used an IBM Correcting Selectric II. It has a removable ball on it that controls all the fonts [an element]. It was only capable of typing in lines. To make a justified line of type, you had to count the letters in the line, add in enough spaces to equal the margin, and then spread the words out across the line as you type so that you would be sure to make it to the end of the line in a block formation. It was also the end of manual carriage returns. Today, every keyboard in the world has a return key. It kills a typist’s speed to have to reach up and ‘throw’ the carriage.
Then I encountered memory typewriters. The most impressive one was the MAG card. It punches holes in a card as you type and recorded your work. When you got ready to use it again, you just put the magnetic card into a slot and it types for you. You only had to type in the variables like the names and the addresses.
So after I learned the MAG card and was able to use it with ease, I became a word processor. As a matter of fact, I became a legal word processor. I was a fast, accurate typist with a good vocabulary. From this point forward, I became a Word Processor. A Word Processor is the person who operates the dedicated word processing computer. The only function it had was document preparation. There was a word processor called Display Writer [IBM] which used several different 8-inch disks. There was one for input, one for edits, one for printing. I seem to even recall that there was a start-up disk.
Lawyers process a great deal of documents in a day or night’s time. In many larger firms, there were several floors. Once in Los Angeles, I temped at a law firm that had 24/7 word processors.
This was a really fun position.
So there was a room which held approximately 15 people and desks with their word processors. It was the 1980’s version of the typing pool.  We had impact printers. They were so loud they had their own room. Imagine the palpable joy we felt when the firm bought laser printers. No noise!
I left word processing for a time. When I returned technology, many great strides had been taken.  For example a laser color printer could be had for well under $500.
When I was in word processing, we had one color printer in the firm. It was locked away in a high-ranking secretary’s office. But in the late 1990’s, every home had its own DeskJet printer with no need for locks and anyone could use them any time.
My first official position was clerk-stenographer. This person listens to and transcribes information that has been recorded on cassette tapes. They were regular cassettes, mini, or micro. It was just one of those amazing but legal functions I’ve performed for pay.
Google Voice Typing
Today I can talk and my words will be presented directly onto the screen in front of me. What's not to love!?
It is a very, very exciting moment.
Another fond memory in automation was floppy disks. They ranged in size from 5¼ inch to 3½–inch microfloppy diskettes. Then we went to thumb drives and now we're in the Cloud. It is fabulous.
As to cell phones:
I have gone from a $9.99 flip with a camera to a Blackberry, with internet access. The next phone had a slide opening. Later, I had my sister’s used iPhone 4. After being mistakenly informed that it had no front camera, I put it aside. In its place, came a BLU Studio 610A. I dropped it in the parking lot. It scattered in three different directions and shattered the screen. Not one for spending high prices for phones, I went shopping. Within 30 days, I moved from Net 10 to StraighTalk to Metro PCS to Boost and finally came to rest with Verizon. I have used most of the major carriers.
Today, I am happy to report that I am the owner of a Samsung Galaxy S5 [16 megapixel camera]. I bought it slightly used but in great condition. I can now update my website and upload photos with full authority. Internet Technology—once you know, you gotta love it!
SandraTeresa Davenport | The Health Reverend
Just a Little Left. Enjoy!

Note: Finishing Something  soon to follow. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

An Assignment - Not a Report of My Death! :)
SandraTeresa Davenport was many things to many people. She was grandly Bohemian. She moved about the earth as she pleased. She dressed herself in an easy, colorful fashion, always with a collection of trinkets around her neck and wrists. Her uniform was long, flowing skirts, mostly black with overblouses, shawls and baggy pants. She spoke clearly, with great authority, never leaving room for doubt, never needing encouragement or prodding. Knowing Sandra Davenport had many ‘affects’.

SandraTeresa Davenport was a hell of a woman!

She was the third child of six born to Claude and Ethel Davenport. She constantly sought her place, her voice, her standing in the group. She was also seeking her place in the world, on this earth.
Sandra was ‘born in a female body in black skin’. This gave her inner warrior an extra edge. That may account for her formidable brain power: a trait she shared with all her siblings. Brilliance.
Birthplace - Clarkesville, GA
The word Edgy is one of the first words that come to mind when thinking about Sandra. She had a talent for putting even the bravest men, smartest women and most likeable liberal racists on edge. And she used it so well.
When this trait was mixed with her edginess, quick wit and beautiful smile, SandraTeresa Davenport became a walking/talking braniac demon—something to fear, to dread, and to befriend, if allowed. She was a wonderful friend. Her favorite thing was gifting. She loved Tea and many people here now have something Tea-related that Sandra gave them. She was very generous, in every way. Time, talents, opinions, all unsolicited, correct, and freely given. :)    
Her natural leaning towards helping people lead her to alternative health and healing. She never failed to consult on which herbs to use for which ailment, where it grew and how long it lasts.
Her family size and standing pushed Sandra to find and develop her natural talents. She was a gifted speaker and writer. She laughed often, loud and easily! Her laughter was like notes of joy randomly dancing through the air.
Sandra learned to dance listening to Smokey Robinson sing ‘Shop Around.’ In that year, she was six years old. She knew then, that she loved music, dancing, and, Smokey Robinson. She never gave him up and she never stopped dancing. Another thing she always said, “Before yawl pronounce me as surely dead, play something by James Brown. If I don’t start dancing, I’m dead.  [That's why you hear him singing right now.]
She was pretty—without makeup and always smiling, even when she was causing somebody to quiver, quake and pray out loud. But San was like that.
You are here today because you experienced some of the above described ‘affects’ of knowing SandraTeresa Davenport. 
 Sandra was also often heard to admonish us, “don’t cry for me if I leave here before you do’. I ask you, how would we not cry? How would we not despair? Who, now, will fill in the gaps in what we think we know about religion? Who will be first on the floor when Motown oldies come on?  No more SandraTeresa Davenport? No more easy and quick answers to questions about alternative health and medicine?

Although seminary-educated and ordained, she espoused no traditional religion, cursed many of them and dutifully avoided all of them. She did, however move in large, definite strides toward and into metaphysics. She never doubted the truth of reincarnation. She marveled to think of the growth of the spirit, from one lifetime to the next and the next. Today, she is stepping up to her beliefs and understandings. She is rising to that great unknown now she knows. All her questions have been answered and she continues to rise. She left this old world much healthier than she found it. She left it more light-hearted. She likely is encouraging us all always to LiveWellToday/DrinkTeaAlways! Amen.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

For the record, I was never a good employee.

There is somebody somewhere who will agree but today, I honestly do not care.

Wearing a Name Tag. Wow.
Work was always a thing that I had to do if I wanted to survive. I can honestly say that out of the numerous jobs that I've had, I have enjoyed maybe 3. I really enjoyed teaching third grade at a charter school and Phoenix Arizona, but I hated detested and despised the administration

Work was also difficult for me was that I had to be supervised by somebody most of the time. Generally, the somebody supervising me was far less intelligent, less adept and/or experienced in what we were doing but somehow or another, they still had that position of Supervisor over me.

Areas of my employment include: 
  • Animal care
  • Civil service [state and federal]
  • Corrections
  • Education
  • Finance/Insurance 
  • Law
  • Non-profit
  • Publication
  • Retail

Best Supervisors was the retired Navy Commander, followed by Yvette at the Alabama Department of Public Service. Others were tolerable and more-or-less friendly but I won’t bother you with any more names.

I worked in law firms in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Beverly Hills, and Washington DC. Law firms are all the same everywhere. There are two things I loved about the law firms. First, every Friday we had happy hour. Somebody brought a whole lot of beer and all kinds of finger foods and things like that. Those of who wanted to gathered in the large conference room and just sat around drinking beer and eating finger foods. I guess that was supposed to be a morale builder or something like that. I can't say.

The second thing I loved about law firms: they gave holiday bonuses. Once we got a summer bonus one of them gave us an anniversary bonus. Then there was another one which gave us all a gift of an extra pay check on its 50th anniversary.

I really marvel that today, 16 years into the 21st century, people are still advising other people about how to dress for success. People instruct what to say in an interview; how to get along at work; how to navigate the business office culture. This is very disappointing and disheartening. I really thought that by the time today got here, people would be doing something different in the workplace.

I just thought [and hoped] the supervisors would be able to relax and leave people alone and let them do their work. I also thought [and hoped] that people would leave other people alone and let them do their work. It never occurred to me that today women would still go to work and make less money than their husbands for the same job. I never dreamed that there would be so much harassment in the workplace that there would an entire area of law surrounding it [sexual, racial, age-related, sexual orientation]. Wow.

My Dream Job.

Obviously, it’s at home.

The Reverend's Apothecary
Makings of a Great Potion
I am a healer-woman, known by all as the one to call in a crisis. My work utilizes herbs, oils, lotions and potions. I use every part of an herbal plant to make some sort of remedy for some ailment and am paid well. My work is well and widely-known. My offerings may be teas, tinctures, unguents, or they may be culinary preparations with one or the other herb added.  

The tools of my trade are kept in an extensive apothecary. All my herbs are grown outside my house, in a small but thriving garden plot. I wear long dresses with loose-fitted over blouses or baggy cotton or linen slacks. A collection of trinkets adorn my neck and wrists at any time and I enjoy perfect health. I am an Alternative Health Minister!

SandraTeresa Davenport | The Health Reverend

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I will begin by telling you a great way to avoid disappointment: Follow your own mind. Avoid influencers.

Sometimes a person is so influenced by what someone else wants for them, they forget what they want for themselves.
Influencers always have some ideas, input, direction, suggestions. Ignore them.

Image result for primerica life insurance

Every time I entered into experiences that I wanted for myself, I have always been successful. The one time in my life when I had total disappointment-- complete failure--was when I became a Primerica Financial Services Agent. Wow.
I sat for and passed the first exam. That one was followed by other exams for more licensing. There was one that was supposed to really ‘open lots more doors’ for me. I sat for and failed it four times. After the first time, I had to pay. It was not cheap. Each time I was told it was an investment in my future. Not so. Money lost.
There is no reimbursement for the thousands I spent on gas, food, lodging, parking. Again, money lost.
One must have a market for success in this business. I didn’t have one. I couldn’t create one and I could not get into anyone else’s market. I should have known I was done-for when an entire clan of people cancelled their policies within a week’s time.
Not only that, it was impossible to 'convince' people that life insurance is a financial necessity; not an option. Stupid me. I learned. 
I continued to try and build a market. I continued to drive 45 miles one way to attend two-hour Saturday morning training.  I continued to prospect for new business. I continued to pursue people who I had talked to previously.
I never once thought that I would fail. That is, until I accepted that I had. In five years, I didn't clear $500. Wow. What. A. Shame.
It was 5 years before I convinced myself. I looked at what I had done and not done and realized that it was time for me to stop. I weighed my accomplishments against my expectations and disappointments. Stopping was the only option. I learned a great deal about finance and a great deal about the life insurance business.
There is no way I could consider doing it again nor could I consider recommending it to someone else. I learned enough about it well. I could very easily teach the business to someone else. That would be it.
In my entire life, I never had put so much effort into anything for so long with such desire for success and had greater failure--never.
Failure isn't something that I'm accustomed to. Primerica will always stand out as my biggest failure. I did not succeed. My desire to succeed pushed me to listened to other successful people in the business. I watched what they did and I tried to mimic what I learned. Somehow or another, it simply did not take. For a short while afterwards, I felt a slight bitterness. After that, all I felt was relief.


There also comes a time when you have to weigh your losses against your gains. You simply cannot continue to put yourself into something that's not benefiting you. 
When something fails, you are free to pursue something more fulfilling. Seek success in other areas. Sometimes people will tell you that nothing is easy; people are always telling you don't give up—blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There comes a time to stop listening to what other people say. That’s that!
SandraTeresa Davenport | The Health Reverend
Listen In Sunday @ 3 EDT

My favorite cup - Today!

Monday, April 4, 2016

The time is 10:21 p.m. And today is Monday April 4, 2016. 

I am a little bit late but thanks to Google Voice typing I am getting this done before bed. Today's challenge is to write about travel. No problem.
I presently live in the house where I grew up. It is in rural Northeast Georgia. I have lived in four states [Alabama, Arizona, California, Indiana] and Washington DC. I have moved across country three times and I have driven across country four; the last time I was alone. I loved it I absolutely loved it.
I drove a thoroughly used BMW [which model I now forget and which I later discovered to have four dry-rotted tires]. There was an impressive sand storm in Eastern Arizona, but I wasn’t afraid.
Driving back to Atlanta that last time, I saw a mountain in El Paso, Texas. That's no surprise. I was just surprised because it springs up all of a sudden, alongside the freeway, in the middle of town! Loved it!
It has been my habit to move to a new place if I wanted to experience it. Taking a trip just wasn’t the same.
Until the first Sunday in April 1985, the furthest west that I had ever driven was Montgomery, Alabama. That day, I along with my sister and her boyfriend, took off on a trip from Atlanta, Georgia to Los Angeles, California [2,072.82 miles]. I was moving again. That was my home for four years and a few months. It was a long drive but we drove all day Sunday and overnight, then Monday afternoon we were in Phoenix, Arizona. I moved there another time, some years later.
I thought we would go through New Orleans but we didn't because New Orleans is off the beaten path. You don't pick up Highway 10 again until Texas.
I learned that Texas has mountains. I was thrilled to see the muddy River which borders Alabama and Mississippi.  I think it's the Mississippi River. Being that I'm writing from memory, I don't want to research it. 
On the westbound freeway through Texas and New Mexico, there are periodical signs posting the distance before water again.
I made this trip west once by Greyhound. The most impressive thing about this trip was being stopped by the Border Patrol in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The officers got on the bus and checked everyone's identification. That was a completely weird/scary experience. The weird/scary experience was seeing border patrol officers in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, just like you would see ordinary police officers anyplace else.
Travel has always been a lot of fun for me. I am restless by Nature and I love new adventures. As a matter of fact, I have been feeling extremely restless here recently. I calmed myself down by deciding that I would not move out of the state of Georgia again. I would just take trips instead.
As soon as I have completed all of the tasks assigned to me for this blog challenge, I taking off on a road trip. I'm going to places that I've never been before or places I have been but didn’t spend much time. I will begin with Asheville, North Carolina; then I'm going to the coast. Another time I’ll to Charleston; drive up the coast a little ways, eventually working my way to Baltimore [where my sister lives]. Then on another trip, I'm going to Boston. There I will visit the Howard Thurman Museum at Boston University. At some point between now and the middle of the summer, I’ll visit my relatives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. So that is the end of my blog about travel. I highly recommend it.
On my other list of places to see: the Chicago railyards, St. Louis Arch, Rocky Mountains, a Ranch in Montana!
NOTE: I will eventually write books about i] all the places I’ve lived; ii] I’ve rented] iii] jobs I’ve had and maybe even the iv] great books and stuff I’ve lost in the midst of it all.
SandraTeresa Davenport | The Health Reverend

Image result for ame communion service

The sacrament of communion is observed the first Sunday of every month Protestant/Denominational Christian churches,  I will share with my memories, my learning and my own ideas of what communion would be like in my 'church,' if I had one.

Everybody dresses in a certain type of outfit for communion: White [I think of it as a costume]. The adult women wear white inside-out, head-to-toe, even their earrings. I know because I've seen it and—yes—I have even done it myself. There is an altar or table on the floor right in front of the pulpit, covered in white. The males in leadership wear their absolute best black suit and white gloves.

Why does everybody have to wear white?

In spite of all the time I spent in the seminary listening to people talk about these things, I still don't know. I believe it to be--I would suspect it to be--that the purpose of communion is to rededicate and reconsecrate oneself to Jesus Christ. In order to do this one must be as pure--or at least present themselves--as possible. Jesus probably knows just how pure anyone is at any time. I doubt it matters to Jesus what anybody wears. They don’t look at this way in Protestant churches; certainly not. I can only speak of African-American denominations, because these I know--right well.
So, communion service is added after the regular service, most often. Regular service by itself is long enough but after communion, it can add another hour to hour and a half depending on the size of the congregation to be served.
Image result for ame communion service
This is How We Do It!

How is communion served?

There are several options. Sometimes the ushers bring the ‘wine and bread/body and blood’ to the congregation. What actually is served to the congregation is grape juice and Wafers. Some congregations use crumbled up saltine crackers, depending on size and affluence of the congregation.

Why Every First Sunday?

Again, I don’t know. I have no idea. The more I thought about it, the more I decided it was a very ghastly thing to do. Drink the blood and eat the flesh of another? Especially one who has ‘saved’ you? No. It’s not the same as eating a piece of chicken.

My Memories 

The male ushers walk down between the pews carrying the little metal container with the little teeny tiny quarter ounce cups of grape juice. The females come out to the other side with the plate of Wafers or crumpled up saltine crackers. They pass their trays from one end of the pew to the other. Each person takes a little teeny tiny cup and passes the metal tray to the person beside them. Then, each person takes a wafer or a piece of saltine crackers and passes it to the person beside them.
Image result for ame communion service
The Body and The Blood
The second way to do it is for everybody to line up and walk down to the front of the church to a person with the same trays. This way, people just walk down there; get what they need and keep walking. It appears to be a little bit faster.

As these Retire, let Others Come

The final--and surely, longest way--is for congregants to walk down to the altar. They kneel and the presiding Pastor reads a certain scripture. It is necessary to wait until everybody leaves before more people can come so they don't have to do it but once for each group of people. Many churches have altars in the front around the pulpit. This should give you an idea of what we would be doing today if I were a traditional ‘Christian-believing’ preacher but I'm not.

My Gathering

When I accepted the call to Ministry, I knew I would offer and alternative. I am not a Pulpit preacher; I don’t want a congregation and I absolutely will not wear white clothes every Sunday to administer a thing called communion. I did, however, think that at some point I would love to have a congregation. My congregation wouldn't be what we think of as congregations. It wouldn't be a group of deacons and deaconesses, the choir and the mothers’ board, the missions board and all that.

We would just be a group of people gathered to learn an alternative way of looking at what we believe. I have offer an alternative way of learning; an alternative route from what we believe to what we know. I am convinced that once you know something, you don't have to believe [or defend] it anymore. I knew my background and Alternative Health and Wellness would put me slightly aside from the center of anything like a pulpit preacher.

My vision for my church Gathering Room is something like a 1960s coffee shop. We would have had sofas and chairs and small tables throughout the room. A person could sip tea as we talked. Then there would be a section over in the corner for young children to play on the floor with the puzzles or coloring books.

The Opening Song

Don’t get me wrong, my southern African-American upbringing would require a hymn every once in a while. Somehow, however, ‘Blowing In The Wind’ by Stevie Wonder came to my mind first. At some point, I would double back and do a music service, where we simply sing and exegete the hymns and other texts.

You would never hear me preach about sin and salvation. I indeed use the scriptures and many other sacred texts. My communion service would be a non-caffeinated Tea with crumpets.

Our gathering time would be Sunday morning or afternoon. Who knows, it might even be a day other than Sunday.  I wouldn't even force it to be Sunday at 11. Keep an eye open, it could happen any time!

We really need to look into those white costumes, and a whole lot more.

Summary of my blogtalkradio show.

SandraTeresa Davenport | The Health Reverend

Honey Bear in a Cup!

The Rev on Medium

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