Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hello Everyone, Happy Sunday Evening...

I don’t mean to speak and write non-stop on the topic of Recovery. I don’t want readers to become bored with what I have to say. I am working to Recover, and do it well and fully. But, on the other hand, I am—remember—an ordained, seminary-educated minister. My ministry’s motto is ‘Helping People To LiveWell.’ Not only that, I am southern born-and-bred, African-American, female. The total of all this: I am supposed to help people.

In that vein, I am obligated to write.

I know I asked this question once before but ...

Have you or anyone you know and love ever had a Stroke, and survived.

Just a few more...

Do you or someone you love and trust, understand Stroke?

Do you know the signals of Stroke?

Are you responsible –or ever been—for a Stroke survivor?

What do you consider the most important of Recovery?

Thank you, everyone for your responses. You are being very helpful.


In my Recovery experience thus far, I have had great physical Recovery. I continue to work a with a few remaining minor challenges, but only a few.

Luckily, none of them scares me anymore, like they once did.

These days, I can jog, jump on my rebounder and balance on one foot, without wobbling. I don’t wobble from dizziness if I bend over to pick up something. Yes, I do have an almost daily headache. Daily, but minor.

The greatest step of all? I can remember stuff. Recall, Recollection may not all come in one big ball, but I can recall!

I am just ever so thankful.

Remembering an experience is as close to re-living it as possible. I live alone in a small town.

Loneliness is just about to become my roommate. I don’t her to, but she is quite steadfast and stubborn. I sit down about dinner time daily, with her. She always brings to me, a recall of a happier time. That makes me sad for a bit.

But not today!

These days, recalling is more of a pleasure.

These days, I understand my Recovery memories much better.

I am very grateful that my sister told me to keep a daily journal, because it would help me to recall more information.

On some days, I don’t do it, but when I do, I am ever so grateful.

 Tonight’s blog post is dedicated to my elder sister, the fabulous woman with a beautiful smile, dreadlocks down to her knees [nearly]. She is a great dancer and easy laugh-er. She is a semi-retired college professor, and often gives me suggestions/instructions and direction into behavior and habits that are definitely wholesome and helpful.  I stayed with her for a while earlier this year. A group of siblings is a grand prize.

Livewelltoday, Everyone.

You may know that one of my other ‘callings’ is health-enhancing Tea. I have come to know, use, love and yes, share, many of them. It is my intention to end each blog with some mention of Tea.

The present approach to daily Tea is Green with breakfast [or Black is more punch is needed] and herbal [Fennel, for one] until evening. Then, I switch to a sedative sort, and stay with it until bedtime.

I use this approach because amnesia is also one of my Stroke hang-ons.


SandraTeresa Davenport, your friend.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Favorite Thing - The Red Podium

I am now embarking upon a different plan of writing.

ASIDE: along with writing more and writing consistently, I also need more, more and more interested readers. I have a great deal to learn about a successful blog, and I will, you’ll see.

Today is Wednesday, May 3, 2017. I wrote this post out of the house because of cabin fever. It would likely be easier to endure if I could just walk outside and to the corner and be off. Cabin fever is what happens when a person just can’t possibly stay inside the house any longer. Then, the person will go just about anywhere and do just about anything.

If I do that in my previous hamlet [Cornelia], I’m off to a good stroll.

There are small businesses, and shops, the library and yes, the dollar store. I tell you this: sometimes you just don’t realize when you’ve got it good. My present hamlet is missing a bit of that, here and there.

If you read my blog, over the last few months, you know I am a Stroke survivor. It happened a bit over a year ago – April 13, 2016. I came out of the facility in early May, 2016.

Upon leaving, I was taken to my #2 sister’s house to Recover. That was lucky. She’s a school teacher and was out of school for summer. Bless her heart. I became her spring-summer-fall project. It went along, reasonably well. I was there for six months, give-or-take.

There is, in my brain, no memory of the entire Stroke and/or surgery. My #1 sister told me several stories about my time in the hospital. I recall nothing. 

Another good report is of the various people we know and love [and they love us] who came to the hospital to visit me. They have all told me themselves about the visits they made.

Some friends that I had before first grade, prayed for my Recovery. That is so very grand.

Just last weekend [May 1] I saw twin sisters who knew me at my birth. One was my uncle’s high school sweetheart.  She lives in a different hamlet, near the one where we live. She told me that she came to the hospital to visit me and was not allowed in. She was told by the nurses that I was in too delicate a condition for visitors. Along with that, my condition required a great deal of sleep.

The things I have seen while healing, include ...

My Calling!

And, I have seen a lot.

Whew. There is a wide variety of these experiences. They are similar to visions, I suppose. Today, however, I don’t know much about either one. I am, however, learning about hallucinations. That is the one that I have. For the purpose of my typing, I gave hallucinations the short nickname hals. My hallucinations reflect the part of my brain that is injured.

One piece of information I may have left out is the way I was injured. I passed out in the local BurgerKing. I walked in, fainted and jarred the ground. Oh, the floor, actually. I awakened, said something about the heat, and passed out again. This time, the staff dialed 911 and it went from there.

When I hit the floor, I obviously bounced a bit, as I have several sores, cuts, etc. on the back of my head. They are all healing nicely.

I have circled 500 words around my blog posts. That means that I must go quickly and surely to the point, using the proper words, and giving you a reason to return again next week.

Thank you so much reading this post. 

Please do share it with all your friends and family. Next week, I will continue.

SandraTeresa Davenport

TeaTime! Enjoy!


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