Saturday, December 19, 2015


I am, The Health Reverend, SandraTeresa Davenport, at your service. This time, we will discuss the topic of Giving and Receiving. So my wish for you is that you will always be gifted as your heart desires and your soul needs, and that you will also give in return.

We are now a week closer to the holiday of Christmas. Other people call it other names. And others, like me, don’t call it anything. I do, however, know what people are talking about when they discuss it. The only thing I don’t know is why so many people have been fed and accepted and continue to practice the lie about how much money they should spend, how stressed they should get; how they should give time and gifts and money to people they don’t know, or may not even like. The part I like, though, is how beautifully so many people can think of so many ways to decorate. They decorate their homes, their cars, their offices. A lot of people even put Christmas clothes on their pets! I love to see the light shows—when I make it to one.

And finally, although it is fun for a lot of people, and it is a season which seems to put people in happy, kind, loving moods, I also don’t understand why the feeling doesn’t last much past the new year. Wow. Think about it, and if you come up with something you’d like to share, let me know. There is always a door prize...

Today, we will pray a prayer of invocation, which is also part of the CME doxology: ‘Grant us God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free, that ourselves and all our giving, we may offer unto thee.’ Please remember these words as we proceed.

Most of you, know quite well the Christmas scriptures. I know them, because I have heard them nearly every Christmas of my life, in some fashion. I have read them in the various Christmas programs that I’ve participated in, and I have surely heard them read in the Christmas Sunday service.

We are all quite well aware of the story of the Eastern Star, the wise men and the manger story. Also, at the center of that story is an idea which is our topic today: gifting. Yes, we all know of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Do you know what frankincense and myrrh are? Do you know why a king, of all people, would give these items to a newborn baby? Ok, then, if you do, you have a job: teach them to your children. Tell them what they are, what they are used for, how they were used, and then make it very clear that it was altogether fitting and proper that they be given to a newborn king.
I was on my way to this: most every preacher, minister, theologian, seminarian who is making a speech or presentation at this hour is reworking those stories mentioned above. So, if you need to hear them, I can direct you to someone else. I have too much work to do, to pause and repeat a story that has been told as long by as many to as many as that one has been. We have got to get busy helping people get well and I thank you very much for your interest in your health, and in what I have to tell you!
So, then, whenever you look at someone and smile, or speak a word of encouragement to someone, or even when you simply keep the good thought about yourself, your life, you are, indeed, giving gifts. And, there WILL BE A RETURN. COUNT ON IT…

I DECIDED TO USE MORE SCRIPTURE TODAY BECAUSE Christmas is an emotional experience. It brings feelings of love and devotion. It gives some of a moment to pause and consider the year gone by. I am taking full advantage of these feelings and bringing us to matters most serious and precious: the health of children and future generations: our children’s children.

INSTRUCTION TOPIC: GIVING AND RECEIVING– we are soon to enter into a true season of life. The winter solstice will soon begin. Then we’ll have time to rest. Or we should. Certain feelings come to use in winter that are absent in summer and spring. One of those feelings is sometimes longing. Something about cold weather causes humans to seek more comfort. It keeps us in place a bit better and gives us a chance to think and imagine and to create. Again, many people feel spring to be the season for creating and newness. However, if you have ever noticed, newness can happen at any time. I suggest to you that you quiet down for a bit in this new season and see what gifts will come to you, and I am certain that something will.

SOURCE OF INSTRUCTION: Continues with The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children. Published in 2000. Carol Simontacchi. This time we are taking a closer look at food additives and their affect on mental health. Most especially the mental health of young people: children, babies and adolescents. Because the brains of this group of people is in its formative stages, it is more easily affected by food, drinks and drugs that the child consumes. It is important to add in drugs because, as we all know, way to many children take way too many drugs. Do us a favor: if you know of children who are ‘drugged’, look at them sometimes and try to see if you find a connection between what they eat and how they behave.

I likely have said this before, but the quality of sleep that a child [or an adult] gets, has a direct bearing on that person’s behavior. It isn’t just a matter of being groggy or grouchy or sleepy. After a person is deprived of adequate sleep for a while, the body starts to suffer and malfunction. This problem begins with the slow-down of the immune system.

I have given you a brief mention of the additives in foods [processed foods]. Now I’ll give you an idea of what growing bodies really need in order to do a good job of growing. Remember that when we talk about additives in foods, we’re mainly talking about processed foods. Processed foods are often thought of as those that are not in a natural state. Like, hot dogs, pizza, sausage, cereal, bread, muffins, cookies, crackers, pasta. Additives are also found in whole foods such as chicken, milk, produce, and dairy. Almost every item in the grocery has something added to it, whether for freshness, color, stability or taste.

On the other hand, if we know how to equip ourselves, we do stand a chance. So listen to this, when children are growing up, their brains need essential fats, saturated fats and essential fatty acids, which are found in animal products [cheese, butter, eggs and beef]. This is important for younger children but crucial for teens headed into adulthood.

Protein is also crucial. It enables the building of strong muscles. It also contains a nutrient which makes up 15% to 30% of the brain. If you don’t believe these things to be true, try them for a few days and see what happens. Start with yourself, then move on to your family. Know you will be glad you did.

YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Make a decision to gift your life with a healthier body. Sit down somewhere and consider that you may want to transform yourself. Think of what it would be like if you really wanted to renew your mind. Decide whether you want to transform your health, your body. Decide what part of your life, your health, you want to transform and make new. Then, get started. Remember, don’t take my word for anything, after you have gathered up some sources, take off! Study, read, consider, reflect, compare, and move forward. You will be so glad you did.

SIGNATURE Call me, write me an email, send a text, stop by, meet up somewhere. It doesn’t matter to me. I just want to know that you’re listening. I have a charge to keep and I won’t be stopped. The time is sure to come when we will gather at our new location and see what real study is like! I promise you. Please dial in to blogtalkradio 929 447 2763 Sunday at 3 PM to see what else I have to offer. Or listen live: Please remember to share your information and mine with all your friends, and especially your relations. We can get well...even if it is one radio show at a time.


December 24 – Old Stories of Xmas

December 31 – Watch Night Service.

JANUARY – Tea/Herbals/Preventive Medicine [Colds, Flu, etc.]/Home Remedies

FEBRUARY – African-American history/heart health [depression, loneliness, loss/fear] and physical health. You don’t want to miss these meetings!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Real Food!

We are off again on an adventure of living well. I trust that you are living as well as you know how and that you continue to seek greater health.

DEDICATION:  Every listener who is busy trying to figure out what to give somebody for Christmas or Kwanzaa or Hanukah or whatever you call the season. I am especially dedicating it to you if you’re trying to figure out what to give a child that you know and love. And since I know every one of you fits this list, I dedicate today’s show to you all, my family of listeners.

On the topic of giving, the first scripture that most people remember is: ‘... God loves a cheerful giver...’ and the next one is ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive...’. And don’t forget, ‘ can’t beat God giving...’ take your pick. [I’m not sure that last one is a scripture but I know it is the name of a song.] So if you are about to give somebody a gift, especially your children or the children who are in your bloodline, rethink what a gift is...

This is the part of our presentation where we get our focus. The focus of Living Well Ministries is ministry and Scripture is the foundation. My favorite scripture about giving is Proverbs 12:22 – “a good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children...” 

An inheritance most often is thought of as property, money, stocks, bonds, houses or investments. It’s usually something material that can make the life of the receiver easier in some way. We understand, however, that an inheritance takes many different forms. Let us, therefore, take a look at other ways that a good man may leave an inheritance for his children's children and that would be the inheritance of good health.

Also, we are returning to the 55th Chapter of Isaiah verses 2 – 5. And why, you may ask, are we doing that: although our topic is gifting, and we are specifically discussing the gift of good health. I will tell you why: Because when we talk about health, the first thing that comes to mind is food. We need to make a link between today’s food and tomorrow’s health. Or, in our case, this year’s food is next year’s health, or lack of it.

Listen to what Isaiah had to say in his 55th chapter, beginning with verse 2:

Why waste your money on something that is not real food?
    Why should you work for something that does not really satisfy you?
Listen closely to me and you will eat what is good.
    You will enjoy the food that satisfies your soul.
Listen closely to what I say.
    Listen to me so that you will live.

Then the burning question returns: Why waste your money on something that is not real food?
Before we go any further, take a close look at what we call food. There’s going to be a great deal of it consumed here in the next few weeks. Then the next few weeks after that, people will be running here and there, trying to recover from it all. It is my job to pass on some information to that might help with what you decide to eat. I have no choice but to present this information, it’s like Elder Willie Pruitt used to say, ‘yawl may not hear me, but it’s the truth, so I’m going to say it anyway!
Would you like to leave an inheritance of good health for your children's children. And be sure that they are able to prosper.

The most important part of what we do, is not just that you to listen to me and not that you read labels and not that you try and change your diet or exercise more. The most important part is that you study and learn for yourself what it is that you need to do. I will even refer you to the second letter that the Apostle wrote to Timothy you know what it says. The first word of that letter is ‘study’.
So, when I give you some information, I don't want you to stop and sit down and embrace it just because I said it. Don’t accept it just because you think it's interesting or it’s going to give you something you to talk about. No; I want you to be your own health guru. Just use what I say as a place to begin your own study.
BODY IN TWO PARTS: G I F T I N G. We settled on gifting as our topic because of  the season. These next few weeks, people are running around buying and giving and exchanging gifts with people. Eventually some people even return gifts to stores.

You know, however, that when your Health Reverend talks about it, gifting is a different matter altogether. We are discussing gifting as it relates to the giving of good health and good health habits, to your children and your children's children. I, therefore, will begin by asking just a couple of questions? What does gifting mean to you? When you think about giving something to someone, do you only think of something that can be touched or seen or held in your hand or put into a box? When you think of gifting, do you think of giving good examples or offering affection or providing inspiration? These are gifts as well.

INSTRUCTION TOPIC: a slightly different question on the same topic: What foods are you giving your children?

Sometimes the information I encounter is so exciting, I feel that I should hurry up and pass it along to you. Then, there’s so much of it, I try to summarize the high points. This time, I did neither one of those. Today’s book is ever so very exciting. I am simply bringing you a new source for instruction and information. The first one has a bit of a story: [you know, with me, there’s always a story.] I first read this book at least 10 years ago, when I was living with a couple who had a health ministry of their own. They taught classes, sold health products—supplements, vitamins, nutritional oils, and so forth. They also sold books, and I tried my level best to read all of them.

This first one is entitled, The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children. Published in 2000. Carol Simontacchi.  I never have forgotten it, for several reasons. First of all, the writer discusses the health and feeding of infants, babies, children adolescents and adults. According to her, what we are fed is the foundation of everything else that happens: physical or mental. It is a great source if you want to learn about how food additives affect the growth and development of young children. It also discusses how many different ways additives are presented; how many different ones of these additives are added to the foods that infants, children, and yes—adults, eat. Processed foods, that is.

Companies that produce and manufacture larger portions of foods, must be able to sell those foods. For foods to sell, they must be cheap enough, they must taste good and they must have a long shelf life. Another thing that must happen: they must appeal to the mothers of children! Why just mothers? Because, females make up 85% of all grocery store shoppers and the other 15% are influenced in their shopping, by females.

Little children like things that look pretty and they generally will eat something that tastes good. The first thing comes to my mind is a gummy something. Next time you go in a grocery store, check out how many different food items have been made into ‘gummies’.
Now then, let’s go to taste. There are only three ingredients that make food taste good: fat, sugar and salt. Of course, you can add other spices but without  these first three, not much happens. In my view, there is no substitute for taste, and in my further view, nothing tastes as good as butter, bacon and eggs. All these things have one thing in common: FAT! Salt isn’t nearly as appealing as the first two. Fat has been given a really bad name here in the recent 30 years or so, leaving only one choice: Sugar. You already know how I feel about sugar so I’ll just keep moving.

Shelf life. Shelf life. What in the world does that mean? This is the short version of it: before food can legally be sold, in cans, it has to be cooked. Once it is cooked, it has little, if any nutrition left. The story is, it will last longer in a can than it ever would in the produce section. Next thing, packaged foods. Some of them have shelf life – USE BY dates of at least 12 months. Are you sure you want to feed something to your little children that has lost all its nutrition?
Now, additives. Additives, it turns out, are also not your friend. Just for the fun of it, I thought I should give you a few of those names: check it out:

artificial color [unnamed]
artificial flavors [unnamed]
calcium propionate
mono calcium phosphate
oleoresin paprika
partially hydrogenated soybean oil sodium bicarbonate
sodium acid pyrophosphate
Sodium lactate [associated with panic attacks]
sodium nitrite
sodium phosphate
sorbic acid

We will sit with this book for the entire month of December. Maybe by January, you will have one of your own and we can move on to a different one.

I have all but one of my teeth. I’m sure it’s because of all the butter milk I drank when I was a child. Many of the people I started first grade with have few of their own teeth, if any and they all that I have all of mine! After you have taken a look, a listen to what Simontacchi says, you may be pressed to reconsider what you are feeding yourself and your children.

A DOOR PRIZE!!! The Gift of Taking, Honor Yourself First – All Else Will Follow. Dr. Jill Kahn.  Dr. Kahn is a medical doctor who works closely with cancer patients. Her book is all about how taking for ourselves, for our greater personal good, is the number one goal. She tells of her many enlightening experiences with finding her purpose in life. But she wasn’t just finding her purpose: she was accepting her calling. It is the same high call that we all have: honor yourself...first. It is only then that we can fully and openly honor others. This is still true in our quest for health and wellness.

I am putting this book aside and making it a ‘door prize’ for the person to contact me after reading this blog.  It doesn’t matter if you call, email, text. Just contact me and let me know that you heard me. Also, I’ll want to know what part of the discussion sparked your interest and got you to move. 

One thing that I really love about this book is that she gives us an ‘alternative’ look at the experience of giving. Taking, she calls it, when we are giving to ourselves. Again, remember, we are not talking about material ‘things’, but spiritual gifts of joy, given and shared from a position of full abundance. This reminds me of Rv HR Delaney, Jr., his prayers always included this line “...that we may all have a right to the tree of life, and have it more abundantly...” give yourself the gift of an abundant life, abundant health and happiness. Let me hear from you, OK! Your book is waiting! Remember now, it is a used book but we’ll find some way to cover over the inscription that’s already in it! 

HOW TO CLAIM A DOOR PRIZE: Be the first to contact me with at least a one-line [not one-word] comment about today’s post, call, text, whatever you like. Give me an address and I will send it to you!

It is a common response to this commentary for people to say, ‘...but what can you do?’ I’ll tell you this: there’s plenty to be done if those things in boxes in the grocery store are left on the shelves. When McDonald’s can’t sell a happy meal and gummy bears don’t go home with you, something will surely change. i know that. I’m sure you or someone you or someone you know, can remember quite well when cigarette smoking was allowed in every quarter. But today, it ain’t.

TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: First, reconsider what you see as gifting. I suggest to you that the greatest gifts cannot be put into a box. When you sit quietly and listen to what you are hearing, from the voice of God, you will find some wonderful gifts that will greatly benefit your children and their children. Your assignment, therefore: listen and take heed. Take notes, if necessary, learn more about health and find ways to teach all that you learn to your children. That way, you will be certain to leave an inheritance of the most precious sort: good health and long life.

Second: pay a visit to the Habitat Re-store near you. Browse—slowly, browse—the book shelves and seek out an ‘alternative’ source of health information. Pick one up, flip some pages, read the inside flap. Pick up something that you would never have given a second look to. Don’t stop with health, move on to wealth, to spiritual instruction, to child-rearing...reading has no limits. There’s bound to be something in there you want to know. Do this, and make it a gift to yourself. Then, you know, after you take these books home, you have to do something with them. That mean: turn off the phone, the computer, the TV and turn on your new, improved brain and let it expand and grow new pathways. You’ll love it. Remember, a mind is a terrible thing to waste! 

I want Yawl to keep reading and keep sharing what you read. I am making my best efforts to make the best use of every piece of IT that I can. You can now hear me on at 3:00 p.m. Sunday – 929 447 2763. It’s similar to here but a bit different. Also, you may listen live ot my local show

Please remember to check:; email:; phone: 706 768 4917; twitter @healthreverend. Thank you for time in reading this. I am SandraTeresa Davenport, The Health Reverend, yawl holla, and no matter what, live well!


December 17 – getting ready for xmas and how to stay well till the new year comes.
December 24 – old stories of xmas and what it means to give and share
December 31 – Watch night service.
The prayers of Isaiah.
Good Health – Weight Loss/Gain – Body Image [Not just a concern for women]
JANUARY – Tea/Herbals/Preventive Medicine [Colds, Flu, etc.]/Home Remedies
FEBRUARY – African-American history/heart health [depression, loneliness, loss/fear] and physical health. You don’t want to miss these meetings!

Sunday, December 6, 2015 their best.

Have you ever been called sugar or honey? My grandmother Elvira always said, Sugar, Pie! Now that’s sweet. But, do you know how sugar affects every other aspect of your health? Do you how it raises blood pressure, creates and worsens depression, how it interferes with sleep and concentration? If you want more of this information,  join in!  Listen live at: Saturday, 7:00 p.m. and Sunday 8:30 a.m. [EDT]: Sunday, 3:00 p.m. - or dial in (929) 477-2763

LET ME REMIND YOU THAT: I am not a physician; I have no medical training or experience. I have read some medical texts and have talked to a few people who have read them. I do, however, know health and nutrition. I have studied health and wellness and I have experienced various degrees of improvement by applying that which I have learned. Any information that I pass along will be from personal experience, and absolutely not intended to replace professional medical advice. Having said that, let us continue:

You will recall that the topic for this month is sugar. You may remember that: sugar is not your friend and That will not change We are coming close to the national overeating season, so, we don’t want to miss out.

Today’s scripture: EASY-READ VERSION [ERV] - Isaiah 55:1-3

Isaiah was a major prophet – his writing is very lengthy and has a greater influence in Christian teachings. However,  he is highly regarded in both Judaism and Islam. Generally, when people such as Isaiah speak of food, it is referring to spiritual food. The opening section of this book speaks to people who have been distanced from God and God is inviting them back.

Back when these scriptures were written, no one had yet heard of these five major killers that we know so well today [cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and stroke]. No one had ever been told that they had high blood pressure and surely, nary a soul had ever been told they needed to lose weight! Well, today, that’s not the case. Back then, no one was eating packaged foods, processed foods or Genetically Modified Foods. Today, we do have these problems and today we do eat these things.

Today, therefore, we really need some help. To this end, I will read from the 55th chapter of Isaiah,“All you people who are thirsty, come!    Here is water for you to drink.Don’t worry if you have no money.    Come, eat and drink until you are full!You don’t need money.    The milk and wine are free.Why waste your money on something that is not real food?    Why should you work for something that does not really satisfy you?Listen closely to me and you will eat what is good.    You will enjoy the food that satisfies your soul.Listen closely to what I say.    Listen to me so that you will live.

Here’s the question: Why waste your money on something that is not real food? What did you eat for breakfast today? Bagel, Toast with cream cheese. Bowl of cereal, maybe. Did you give your children a high-protein/high fat breakfast? If not, I ask this question again, Why waste your money on something that is not real food? By the time you get done with all the ingredients that you know, and then move on to all those you can’t even pronounce, it is hard to know that you are even consuming food, at all. But we need food. A person wants to eat something before leaving home. And you must, simply must give your children something to eat. But, Have you considered the food value of your last meal? Is there enough nutrition in your breakfast to get you to lunch? Did you remember to bring along a protein bar for your mid-afternoon snack?

I am borrowing from the great African Historian Neely Fuller, Jr.: If you don’t understand health, nutrition, wellness, disease, everything else that you think you know will surely only confuse you.

HERE’S THE PROBLEM, AS I SOMETIMES SEE IT:  Nobody can be sure of what to eat, when to eat it or how much to eat, because there are so many conflicting ideas about it all. Low-fat/high-fat, low-sugar, no-sugar, natural sugar/ artificial sweeteners, dried fruit or fresh fruit; white bread or wheat bread; organic or traditional; canned or frozen. Which? When? How Much? How often? Just too much information. Another name for it is confusion.

The next thing we know, we can’t sleep; can’t wake up; can’t relax, can’t concentrate, can’t see; can’t focus when we can see. Most of the time, we can’t even remember what it was we ate that got us to feeling so bad. Confusion.

What does sugar have to do with all this? Every item of low-fat food has a high sugar content. Every canned fruit has sugar added [just depends on which name it’s using].  Every cracker, every protein bar, or shake, you guessed it: has sugar added. We know ice cream has sugar: yogurt so does. If not, it has enough aspartame to make your brain wish you had eaten sugar!

Sugar, even a little, can be a very dangerous thing: it can, cause cancer, diabetes, rotten teeth, sleep
Sugar, not fat, makes you fat. it can cause depression, sugar increases the release of insulin, which if not used up properly, is stored as fat and you know what increased insulin can do. Sugar causes digestion problems. Listen, sugar can even cause your brain to shrink! That’s right. How is that: well, your brain needs fat and protein. If there’s more sugar than fat, we got problems. Sugar affects vision, it causes stiff joints, makes you shakey. Wow. Is that enough? Ok, good. but I can come back with more.

The next time someone tells you something about health, and start with ‘they say’, that’s when you should stop listening. If you keep listening and they can’t tell you where they found the information, stop listening. If, on the other hand, someone is telling you about personal experience: good, bad and otherwise, listen to them.  Don’t be caught in another fad; don’t be concerned with how some Hollywood type lost weight, or which one Oz is endorsing this week. You want to know the best diet for you? the one that works! And there are several layers to that, so be ware.

Here are some of the fads that are really popular as ‘general information’ or ‘generally agreed upon fiction’:
Sugar don’t cause diabetes
Yogurt is better for you than ice cream
A little bit of sugar if not a problem.
Honey is better for you than sugar.    
Fad ≠ Fact – no questions asked.
I don’t suggest that you base your health, your family’s health, your future health, on a fad. I suggest that you take to heart the information I bring to you and use it as a guide toward improved, enhanced, excellent health.

For more information, please explore the following sites:

Thank you for your time in reading this information. I am SandraTeresa Davenport, TheHealthReverend. Please come again and please come often! Meantime, LiveWell

Sunday, November 8, 2015

HEADING/OPENING: Today is Saturday October 31, 2015. The time is 5:00 p.m., Today we ask beginning with a story.  I’m going to tell you about what I did to prepare for the radio broadcast of living well ministries.  I know that I I’ve told you this in some form or another at least one time probably at least three times but now I’m going to tell you something a little bit different in a slightly different version of it.

MOTTO:  1 Corinthians 14:19, “…I would rather speak 5 words with my own understanding that by my voice others might learn also, than to speak 10 thousand words in an unknown tongue.”

FOUNDATION: Genesis 1:29, Genesis 6:3, Hosea 4:6 and today, 2 Timothy 2:15. I feel it necessary to revisit these three verses because

DEDICATION:  I am going to dedicate today’s show to all my listeners. If today is your first time, your second, or if you’re a loyal WCON listener or someone told you to listen in. I don’t really care about any of that: I simply want to thank you for listening in and I am so so glad to know that you want to be healed.  

Today’s scripture 1 Chronicles 4:10. Not to be confused with Corinthians. The Chronicles is a supposedly historical account of the times. Corinthians is the apostle’s letters to the people who lived in the village of Corinth. Just in case anyone was confused.

Long ago—well, 15 years ago—when I was only curious about the work of ministry and what it involved, what I thought it involved, anyway, I came across a book entitled The Prayer of Jabez. The only time Jabez is mentioned in the bible is when this story is told. [I am convinced that a prayer does not have to be repeated again and again and again, in order to be heard and answered. I also believe that true, real, serious prayers, and dreams, move as if with wings and find their way to the heart of the Creator.]

So there, I was, when my life was giving me a bit of a ‘time’. I went to a friend –-a preacher, to be exact—for comfort and assistance. He gave me a book. Today, I am recalling this story for one reason: I absolutely understand the way in which Jabez spoke his wishes to God. It was simple: Bless me, indeed!—don’t just bless me a little; don’t just bless me every now and then, no. But really, really bless me. Let me know that you are there, you are on my side! You want to see me do well!
The word ‘Indeed’, is used to introduce or to speak a stronger point, to add emphasis to something already stated; read on…

Then, Jabez says [would you please] enlarge my territory! Give me more to do, add to my riches, to my friends, my fortunes. Indeed, give me endless opportunity to live, and to live well! Please, please, God, enlarge my territory.

DON’T LET NOBODY TELL YOU DIFFERENT: God responds to such emphasis. I recall a preacher from my youth, the great Rev. W.L. Whelchel saying that it disturbs God to see us suffer. Do not suffer; Make your desires known to God.

In the next thought, Jabez states: keep thy hand upon, and keep evil away from me, that I will know no harm. And the story concludes with: ‘God granted Jabez’ prayer.’ Simple as that:  Another way of stating that summary is: ask, and ye shall receive, ye shall! Amen

Now then, today is the last broadcast of Arise and Walk from this station. I told you several times that I’d be returning to blogtalkradio soon. I resumed my online radio show last week Sunday. You have two ways to listen: first, you can dial in on your phone:  213 325 3434. Or, on that same device, you can go to at 3:00 EDT Sunday—remember, Sunday, not Saturday. You will see my show listed; point and click and you’ll soon hear my voice. I love it! All without leaving home. 

TITLE: Change And Improve
Today’s Exegesis: You may have heard me say that I want to be famous for helping people. I have been prepared, taught, trained, experienced, yes, called, to do just this. I came to WCON because I knew I had to reach people before I could help them. Although I was previously on internet radio, I wanted to be heard here at home, where I live.

All this time, I have been praying the same prayer that Jabez prayed, even if in different words. I was always thinking about what else I could do; how could I fill up my classes; how could I sell more books. Indeed, how am I going to be able to help more people, to live well.

Beginning Saturday, November 1, I will be heard on WCHM FM Radio, 96.7, in Clarkesville, GA. I keep saying you’ll have to go to to find out my times. But you can also listen to that same radio station during the week and you’ll hear me announced. Likewise, /listen live. I will, of course, continue to hold twice-monthly classes at the Cornelia library. November’s classes will be Tuesday, November 3 and 17. I am still looking forward to a full room. I have this in common with other preachers: I do much better when I have a crowded room, so yawl, come on in. This way, when the New Year comes, you’ll already be prepared to start ‘losing weight’, and all those other health-related things that people resolve to do December 31st.

One thing to remember about asking for specific blessings: be prepared! It’s another way of saying, be careful what you ask for; you just might get it. I, for one, am convinced that we all have not because we ask not. So I asked. In order for me to move into larger territory, I have had to learn how to use various pieces of social media—still learning. I have had to turn up my research. I am soon to incorporate LivingWellMinistries into a real non-profit corporation; so for that, I am creating a board of directors. Then, I’ll have to learn some more about IRS regulations and such as that. Not only that, I am presently involved in a fund-raising campaign, for funding the spots on the new radio station. Please click, donate and share on all your sites, lists and pages. Thanks so much.

Let me say this about all the challenges I’m enjoying right now: I would certainly rather have to learn all this new information than to stay where I am, in a small, mediocre ‘territory’, with an end in sight. With the steps I’m now taking, there is no end in sight. Do you have any idea how many people listen in on blogtalkradio? Me, neither, but it’s a lot. When I was doing that show before, I averaged 5-7,000 per show. That many people hearing my voice at one time made me feel like a real celebrity.

ABOUT HEALTH:  What you can do to improve, enhance, recover your health, starting right now: Walk. Walk. Walk. Today. Tomorrow. The next day. Just walk. It’s a simple thing. Remember, it’s the number one way to hold off premature aging. So, please, yawl, walk.

Our Walking Path in Cornelia City Park

It would be easier to simply say exercise.  But that gives you too much extra work to do: thinking, planning, finding a partner, and lord forbid, excuses.  So I’m simply going to say walk! Seriously, it has become well known and documented to hold off premature aging, loss of mental energy, also often known as forgetfulness, depression, anxieties, and the most dreaded of all—dementia, the forerunner Alzheimer’s, for which they say there is no cure.  You decide if you want to be well and then if you do you do something to rise and walk every morning from here on in.

BOOK REVIEW: Lights Out: Sleep Sugar And Survival Written by TS Wiley and.  This book is written by an anthropologist and a medical Dr..  It traces humanity and humanities way of eating, back to the time when humans lived in caves.  I find the conclusions offered in this book to be quite fascinating and in very easy to accept.

It is important for me to have a conversational definition of what I’m learning. So I read and re-read endlessly. I generally move on when I have just about memorized certain portions. Still, though, there’s always something else to learn. Just for the fun of it, do you know that you know what these terms mean? I’d love to hear from you!

Central obesity
Circadian rhythm
High intensity interval training
Hydrogenated oil
Insulin sensitivity
Medium chain triglycerides

Now that should be enough of a list to get you thinking about what all this has to do with your health. I will tell you all this does that have something to do with your health.

Associated Internet/YouTube Sources:
Eric Berf, Chiropractor/Alternative Health – Endocrine Health [ ]
Butter Bob Briggs - Be Your Own Health Guru -
David Perlmutter - Exercise and Your Brain –

MY SISTER ANSWERED LAST WEEK’S TRIVIA QUESTION: Where were the first images found of one person working on another’s feet? No takers: they were inside the Egyptian pyramids. That’s right. It dates itself right back to ancient Africa. Again, I say: ain’t that something!  SHE WON A 15-MINUTE FOOT MASSAGE. I’M GIVING IT! I AM A REFLEXOLOGIST!!!

REDEDICATION: I have found that it’s not my dedication or even motivation that needs to be fired up: it’s just that I seem to operate really on last-minute inspiration. I really need to try to reschedule that. I don’t enjoy working up to a deadline—aka, the last minute. But seriously, I am thoroughly and completely dedicated to my work, and I thank you very much for listening, and providing me an opportunity to perform my duties.

Today's Assignment: stay with those kale shakes. No matter what. I have recently switched from bananas and blueberries to red grapes with a spoonful of ground flax seed. It comes out much more like a smoothie and u hardly taste the kale. That is, if you don’t care for it raw. Also, banana slows down weight loss because of the sugar content. For some reason, every time I tell somebody about this shake, I forget to say “add water”. Water is required; just 8 ounces. So you’re your water in, and blend away. 

CLOSING: Never forget to study! Never forget that you have been promised 120 years and whatever you do, please let us never forget that there is endless knowledge available for our assistance. Let’s live well, while we’re living.

I surely do hope that I’ve said something that will convince you, remind you, assure you, that you are indeed, fearfully and awesomely made. I trust you will find yourself acting on this fact, and that your acts will bring you to fuller days and restful nights. I hope that you will soon enjoy new inspiration for health and for wellness. Finally, my sincere hope is that you will soon decide and declare, that you do, indeed, want to get well, and you will make every possible dedicated effort, to arise, and to walk in health!  

SIGNATURE: I am SandraTeresa Davenport, your Health Reverend. I have enjoyed chatting with you today. I look forward to doing it again next week at the same time and location. I will be so glad to hear from you, any time!

Sincerely, Sandra d - TheHealthReverend

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I would rather just drink tea!

There, you have it! It's settled. I can't even figure out how to delete the stupid page! I would likely use other words but no, I don't think I will, this time.

Just last nite I told my sister that a person could learn anything up to and including heart surgery [or brain, I don't recall now] on youtube. She laughed out loud. Well, if I could learn how to do this one thing on YouTube, I'd surely be glad to do it.

So, therefore, please, don't look for me on Facebook. If you do find me and send me a message, I'll try to respond. I'll never again try to use it. I can't search; can't unlink; can't--as  I just said--delete the stupid pages.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but nothing's happening like it's supposed to or even like it once did.

I'll be sticking with Google+. My time will be much better spent learning more about linking all the one-hit social media sites [twitter, instagram, etc], than working uselessly on FB! Really. It'd be a different thing if I was slow to learn, but I ain't, you dig? This is just a mess.

Other than that, everything's cool....

Livewell Today!
Sandra d - TheHealthReverend

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Endless Knowledge and Information. Use it!

HEADING/OPENING: Today is Saturday October 17, 2015. The time is 5:00 p.m., I am your best friend for the next half hour: Sandra Teresa Davenport also often known as The Health Reverend.


In the next 30 minutes, I am going to give us a few things to think about, regarding truly basic biblical principles of health and wellness. I am bringing you a new way of thinking about some principles you may already know. But mostly, I want to awaken you to what you were given when the breath of life was breathed into a pile of clay and you became a living thing.

 I want us to recall that we are created in the image of a perfect creator, and, we therefore, are reflections. Let’s take a different, an alternative, look at what that means:

MOTTO:  1 Corinthians 14:19, “…I would rather speak 5 words with my own understanding that by my voice others might learn also, than to speak 10 thousand words in an unknown tongue.”

FOUNDATION SCRIPTURES: Genesis 1:29, Genesis 6:3, Hosea 4:6 and today, 2 Timothy 2:15. 

TODAY’S HYMN: Give of your best to the Master; Give of the strength of your youth; Throw your soul’s fresh, glowing ardor Into the battle for truth. Written by Howard B. Grose, published in 1902.

BODY/EXEGESISPsalm 139:14 KJV  do you remember the praise song written in the 14th verse of the 139th Psalm? Do you recall what was going on when it was written? Do you know what the word psalm means? A psalm is a song of praise and worship, specifically found in both the Jewish and Christian worship experience.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. KJV

Today, I will ask you a series of questions. They are not necessarily meant for you to answer, just to consider. I want you to please consider the answers that you would give to these questions. Your answers will be your commitment, your contract, your dedication. I will tell you in a moment, to what you are making this dedication. 

RECENTLY, I HAVE ENCOUNTERED endless information on the topics of anti-aging, stress control, diabetes, fat burning and so forth. I settled on three people [doctor, researcher, chiropractor] and I’ll tell you why for each one:

I have the least to say about Dr. Richard Lustig: he believes sugar is poison. Lustig is a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) where he is a professor of clinical pediatrics. I’ll be back with him soon, when we focus on sugar. For now, I’ll just tell you this: sugar is not your friend! I think I said that before.

Here the other day, while I was walking, I listened to a health video by a neurologist, David Perlmutter. He used the word “neurogenesis’: neuro refers to the brain; genesis refers to creating. This man was discussing the brain’s ability to regenerate itself. He was! I started to wonder: if people knew that their brains were so perfectly—wonderfully—made, would they still use do the things that destroy it? Or, would it become even more precious in every moment? Would we even be willing to listen to loud music, much less drink a cup of caffeine? 

According to Perlmutter, there is “no separation between the belly and the brain..." – because there are so many nerves and nerve endings in the stomach. You can control your brain by controlling what you eat. Imagine that.

The best foods, according to Perlmutter include fermented foods: sauerkraut & cultured yogurt, artichokes, onion, leeks, garlic and dandelion greens.

FOODS TO GET RID OF: sugars and artificial sweeteners. Because, these will change your gut bacteria and doubles your risk of diabetes!

Please take some time and see what he has to say about Depression, inflammation and the risk of brain decline. Thank you. Take a look and see what you learn.

The third and—for me—the most outstanding, is Dr. Eric Berg. He is a 50-year-old chiropractor, in Alexandria, Virginia. As far as I am concerned, his claim to fame is his work in endocrinology [the glandular system of the body]. From him, I am learning about glandular health, body types, specific exercises for each and what foods best nourish each of the [four] glandular body types.

He talks about how many trillions of cells there are in the human body and how they are constantly working to stay alive. How they operate do keep forcing toxins out. And this is where it really gives me a pause; where it causes me to truly, truly marvel: every cell in our body knows its job, and performs it quite well, no matter what we are doing. If we had known that our cells were ageless, would we have ever fed them junk foods? If we had known, from the beginning, that the length of our days was to be 120 years, how many things would we have done differently? How could we not have time to exercise? How many days would we be willing not to walk?

So, it seems, that while these cells are working to detox themselves, they must necessarily be rebuilt. The building materials for this rebuilding: the best food and nutrition. Not processed; not imitation; not sugar. No, indeed. Back to the Garden! If we only knew.

Now, while it is true that the cells are replacing and rebuilding themselves, it is also true that they need the right rebuilding materials. What does that mean: proper nutrition. And proper nutrition can NOT be found in a box, in a bag, in a can or a carton. It will never, ever, be found at a fast food, drive-thru window, no matter how good the deal is and how much the kids like it!

At this point, recall last week’s directive: ‘study, to show thyself approved’, ‘rightly dividing the word of truth’. These are truths, my friends. Will we divide them rightly?

Now, let us take another look at the topic, the idea, the fact, of being fearfully and wonderfully made:

Do you know what it means to have too many ‘histamines’ in your body?  Well I don’t either really know what it means, but I do know what happens when I’ve taken anti histamines.  They help you breathe better and they also do something about cold symptoms.  However, anti histamines are drugs.  Now is another question for you: did you know that parses means a natural fifth th th fifth to do you know did you know that parsley is a natural anti histamines?  It is.  I read about that in last week’s book, Back To Eden, and then, I tried it for myself.  You could make just make tea if you wanted to, but I just ate a handful of it and save some trouble at some time. It worked.

That then, is an alternative--One that is definitely worth study.

Here is another question: have you ever heard of acupressure?  Have you ever visited a chiropractor?  Have you ever heard of reflexology?  There you have some alternatives.  Remember, I am using the word alternative, because that is the first word of the tagline of LivingWellMinistries. 

Do you know how acupressure works?  Do you know how chiropractic works?  Do you know how reflexology works?  Well I’ll tell you they all will work together with the person who’s doing it and what your body already knows to do to heal itself.  Sometimes it is as if a body’s own when these to be told to do the right thing for constructed to do the right thing for released to do the right thing, and it does it.

It’s kinda like when you get a massage, and your body relaxes, it’s because relaxed is the normal state for a human, animal, plant body to be in.

Let me give you another example of awesome wonder: when you massage the nerve endings in your feet, there is a reflex point somewhere else in your body that is affected. So, you can massage the bottom of your big toe, and affect the points in your big head! Ain’t that something! There is no end to the alternative ways we have of getting and staying well. No end, I tell you! all I want to do is hand you over enough of them so that you will eventually find some of them interesting enough to: explore, experience, or at least, just to learn some more about. And let me tell you something: this treatment of reflexology is no joke! TRIVIA QUESTION: Where were the first images found of one person working on another’s feet? [No takers:] they were inside the Egyptian pyramids. That’s right. It dates itself right back to ancient Africa. Again, I say: ain’t that something! 

Does this all sound rather awesome and wonderful to you? It does to me!   

Just be sure of this: there is no end to the alternative ways that we can use to maintain the awesome wonder that we are; no end. If we seek, we will find. If we ask, we shall certainly receive.

No matter how you view all of these pieces of information, you owe it to yourself to at least look at it. I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm going to read something to you from this book and you decide how you want to apply it.

REDEDICATION: Yes, just do it and keep doing it. Simple as that. But, I am soon to return to blogtalk radio. Again, you’ll be able to dial in and ask questions. I already have the special headset for that. I’m really excited to be so ‘wired’ for so much technology. 

Your Assignment: Take off after one of these new alternatives that I’ve just mentioned. Get someone to tell you about it; read a book about it; talk to somebody who has already done it. If all else fails, call the local chiropractor, or a Massage Therapist or an Aromatherapist and ask a few questions. Then, just tell them that you’re doing an assignment and that your Minister wants you to know what it’s all about. They won’t mind. Give it a try. It’s as easy as taking candy from a baby, and not half as dangerous! I promise.

Now, just because I give you a different assignment each week, don’t forget your original one: the daily kale shake…

Speaking of which, I don’t know what it might be, but some vermin or other is eating away at my fall garden and I’m not amused. I’m determined to win, though, I will tell you that. It’s still not too late to rush in to Habersham Habitat and buy up some seeds for the spring.

RETURN TO BOOK REVIEW: Back to Eden, originally published in 1939 by Jethro Kloss, discusses how life-style affects health. Like many others, Dr. Kloss discusses the temptations to overeat; the presence of stress and other health detractors. Chapter XXXII, "Directions For Use Of Non-Poisonous Herbs", Kloss give step-by-step instructions on using roots and barks, flowers and leaves, powdered herbs. The instructions include whether or not to crush roots and barks, to extract their medicinal values and exten s to how much powdered herb is equal to the same amount of dried. He follows this with instructions on how to make simple syrups, using raw honey or karo syrup; how to make salves and poultices, and gives recipes for which poultice to match to which common ailment.

Today we are continuing with the book from last week: Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss, an herbalist.  Born on 27 April 1863 in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Jethro Kloss was a devout Seventh-day Adventist… [H]is prime concern in life was helping others, and especially helping them to get well and to live better.

A bit of information about Dr. Kloss’ background: although he is known as Dr., he had no medical training. He was an herbalist. He believed that virtually every ailment could be cured with herbs.  

On Roman numeral page 2 in the introduction, Dr. Kloss quotes Hosea 4:6 and then he goes on to say that “…a lack of knowledge based on truth is accountable for much of the untold suffering and miseries of humanity.”

Remember now, this book was written in 1939. People are still buying this book and using this book and reading and studying this book, today. You know there is some good reason for that.  

On that same page, he mentions that if people would resort to “…simple means, and follow the simple laws of health that they have been neglecting - - proper diet, use of pure water, fresh air, sunshine, rest, and nature's remedies, herbs, nature would restore the body to its original health.”

Further, according to page Roman numeral 2, Kloss states:  “…all science of ancient Egypt when it was in its glory and the science of ancient Babylon when it was at its height, the wisdom of Solomon when he lived in obedience to God and the science and knowledge of this enlightened age as taught in the colleges and universities does not equal the science in nature and yet it is little understood by the most intelligent people. “

Kloss goes on to say: “God has provided a remedy for every disease that might affect us; no disease can affect anyone for which God has not provided a remedy. Our Creator foresaw the condition of mankind in these days, and made provision in nature for the ills of creation.”

CLOSING: Never forget to study! Never forget that you have been promised 120 years--not just three score and ten. Whatever you do, please let us never forget that there is endless knowledge available for our assistance. Let’s live well, while we’re living.

I surely do hope that I’ve said something that will convince you, remind you, assure you, that you are indeed, fearfully and awesomely made. I trust you will find yourself acting on this fact, and that your acts will bring you to fuller days and restful nights. I hope that you will soon enjoy new inspiration for health and for wellness. Finally, my sincere hope is that you will soon decide and declare, that you do, indeed, want to get well, and you will make every possible dedicated effort, to arise, and to walk in health!  

SIGNATURE: I am SandraTeresa Davenport, your Health Reverend. I have enjoyed chatting with you today. I look forward to doing it again next week at the same time and location. I will be so glad to hear from you, any time!


SandraTeresa Davenport
 706 768 4917

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