We are now a week closer to the holiday of Christmas. Other people call it other names. And others, like me, don’t call it anything. I do, however, know what people are talking about when they discuss it. The only thing I don’t know is why so many people have been fed and accepted and continue to practice the lie about how much money they should spend, how stressed they should get; how they should give time and gifts and money to people they don’t know, or may not even like. The part I like, though, is how beautifully so many people can think of so many ways to decorate. They decorate their homes, their cars, their offices. A lot of people even put Christmas clothes on their pets! I love to see the light shows—when I make it to one.
And finally, although it is fun for a lot of people, and it is a season which seems to put people in happy, kind, loving moods, I also don’t understand why the feeling doesn’t last much past the new year. Wow. Think about it, and if you come up with something you’d like to share, let me know. There is always a door prize...
Today, we will pray a prayer of invocation, which is also part of the CME doxology: ‘Grant us God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free, that ourselves and all our giving, we may offer unto thee.’ Please remember these words as we proceed.
Most of you, know quite well the Christmas scriptures. I know them, because I have heard them nearly every Christmas of my life, in some fashion. I have read them in the various Christmas programs that I’ve participated in, and I have surely heard them read in the Christmas Sunday service.
We are all quite well aware of the story of the Eastern Star, the wise men and the manger story. Also, at the center of that story is an idea which is our topic today: gifting. Yes, we all know of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Do you know what frankincense and myrrh are? Do you know why a king, of all people, would give these items to a newborn baby? Ok, then, if you do, you have a job: teach them to your children. Tell them what they are, what they are used for, how they were used, and then make it very clear that it was altogether fitting and proper that they be given to a newborn king.I was on my way to this: most every preacher, minister, theologian, seminarian who is making a speech or presentation at this hour is reworking those stories mentioned above. So, if you need to hear them, I can direct you to someone else. I have too much work to do, to pause and repeat a story that has been told as long by as many to as many as that one has been. We have got to get busy helping people get well and I thank you very much for your interest in your health, and in what I have to tell you!
So, then, whenever you look at someone and smile, or speak a word of encouragement to someone, or even when you simply keep the good thought about yourself, your life, you are, indeed, giving gifts. And, there WILL BE A RETURN. COUNT ON IT…
I DECIDED TO USE MORE SCRIPTURE TODAY BECAUSE Christmas is an emotional experience. It brings feelings of love and devotion. It gives some of a moment to pause and consider the year gone by. I am taking full advantage of these feelings and bringing us to matters most serious and precious: the health of children and future generations: our children’s children.
INSTRUCTION TOPIC: GIVING AND RECEIVING– we are soon to enter into a true season of life. The winter solstice will soon begin. Then we’ll have time to rest. Or we should. Certain feelings come to use in winter that are absent in summer and spring. One of those feelings is sometimes longing. Something about cold weather causes humans to seek more comfort. It keeps us in place a bit better and gives us a chance to think and imagine and to create. Again, many people feel spring to be the season for creating and newness. However, if you have ever noticed, newness can happen at any time. I suggest to you that you quiet down for a bit in this new season and see what gifts will come to you, and I am certain that something will.
SOURCE OF INSTRUCTION: Continues with The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children. Published in 2000. Carol Simontacchi. This time we are taking a closer look at food additives and their affect on mental health. Most especially the mental health of young people: children, babies and adolescents. Because the brains of this group of people is in its formative stages, it is more easily affected by food, drinks and drugs that the child consumes. It is important to add in drugs because, as we all know, way to many children take way too many drugs. Do us a favor: if you know of children who are ‘drugged’, look at them sometimes and try to see if you find a connection between what they eat and how they behave.
I likely have said this before, but the quality of sleep that a child [or an adult] gets, has a direct bearing on that person’s behavior. It isn’t just a matter of being groggy or grouchy or sleepy. After a person is deprived of adequate sleep for a while, the body starts to suffer and malfunction. This problem begins with the slow-down of the immune system.
I have given you a brief mention of the additives in foods [processed foods]. Now I’ll give you an idea of what growing bodies really need in order to do a good job of growing. Remember that when we talk about additives in foods, we’re mainly talking about processed foods. Processed foods are often thought of as those that are not in a natural state. Like, hot dogs, pizza, sausage, cereal, bread, muffins, cookies, crackers, pasta. Additives are also found in whole foods such as chicken, milk, produce, and dairy. Almost every item in the grocery has something added to it, whether for freshness, color, stability or taste.
On the other hand, if we know how to equip ourselves, we do stand a chance. So listen to this, when children are growing up, their brains need essential fats, saturated fats and essential fatty acids, which are found in animal products [cheese, butter, eggs and beef]. This is important for younger children but crucial for teens headed into adulthood.
Protein is also crucial. It enables the building of strong muscles. It also contains a nutrient which makes up 15% to 30% of the brain. If you don’t believe these things to be true, try them for a few days and see what happens. Start with yourself, then move on to your family. Know you will be glad you did.
YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Make a decision to gift your life with a healthier body. Sit down somewhere and consider that you may want to transform yourself. Think of what it would be like if you really wanted to renew your mind. Decide whether you want to transform your health, your body. Decide what part of your life, your health, you want to transform and make new. Then, get started. Remember, don’t take my word for anything, after you have gathered up some sources, take off! Study, read, consider, reflect, compare, and move forward. You will be so glad you did.
SIGNATURE Call me, write me an email, send a text, stop by, meet up somewhere. It doesn’t matter to me. I just want to know that you’re listening. I have a charge to keep and I won’t be stopped. The time is sure to come when we will gather at our new location and see what real study is like! I promise you. Please dial in to blogtalkradio 929 447 2763 Sunday at 3 PM to see what else I have to offer. Or listen live: www.blogtalkradio.com/thehealthreverend. Please remember to share your information and mine with all your friends, and especially your relations. We can get well...even if it is one radio show at a time.
December 24 – Old Stories of Xmas
December 31 – Watch Night Service.
JANUARY – Tea/Herbals/Preventive Medicine [Colds, Flu, etc.]/Home Remedies
FEBRUARY – African-American history/heart health [depression, loneliness, loss/fear] and physical health. You don’t want to miss these meetings!
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