Sunday, December 14, 2014

Just Drink Some Tea!
Well, it's like this: There is always a feeling. In fact, my instructor at the seminary said that we feel before we think. I think it goes like this: feeling/emotion. Emotions cloud thinking. Now, when we say emotion, it can mean strong feelings of confusion, anger, angst, in addition to sadness, depression, loss, etc. As  understand it, emotion may also be distressed thinking of any kind.

What's the point? I've been way too danged emotional here lately, to do any real good--to progress, I should say. and we all want to progress--to move forward.

Now then, what is the new approach? Just be cool. You know, keep your cool. That could be the answer to the whole stinking mess. Just be cool and keep moving.

Thattaway, a person can make some decisions, can realize some options, can, yes, indeed, see some forward movement.

I trust you will find our own movement to your liking and that you will return to this blog, soon and often.

In the meantime, please do this: drink tea! I suggest something black with ginger added in. Sweeten it with honey, of course.

livewell, always,

Sandra Teresa Davenport


Monday, December 1, 2014

Great Morning, Great People! Today is the first day of December with 30 to go. It is cold here in Northeast Georgia and I am up, about and somewhat alert.

This is just a note to say that I trust you're all doing well today [these days] and to tell you that I need some support! That's right. Have you ever had occasion to feel like you're doing something you must do but somehow can't quite figure out how. Have you ever felt like you were coming and going at the same time? Have you ever been distracted--repeatedly--from the projects you owe yourself, realizing all the while that you were wrong for it? Well, I answer yes to all those questions.

Not only that: I also declare that I will move. That's the thing: just to move, to get something going to see some progress.

So, I realized that I had at least a few minutes to use and here I am: writing this and hoping that my words will inspire you:

Let us then be up and doing, with a heart for any fate.
 Still achieving; still pursuing, learn to labor, and to wait.
-Longfellow A Psalm of Life

Indeed so, it is quite a task to labor and wait at the same time, but we an do it, you'll see!

submitted in the early morning hours, by Sandra Teresa Davenport, The Health Reverend!

Livewell, always!

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Path...A Beginning
Those are not new words. life does, indeed, go on. I know. Sometimes it is exciting and thrilling; other times, not so much.  Forward movement is one experience that--I believe--all living 'things' have in common. The desire to fulfill is what pushes all creation. Again, I believe it does.

So, here I am, about to take a new leap, a new location. Yeah, I am about to move again. I have moved my life so many times in 42 years, I have probably forgotten some of them. This time, however, I am being deliberate about it. I'm planning how I want to do it, when, and so forth.

I have settled on a top five for my remaining years. One of the top three is to have what I want, how I want it. This means I just simply want what I want. Sure, I've lived other places and done other things and who knows, maybe have even made some great connections.

A Lark! That's what I want from here on in. I just want to have a doggone good time. It's been so long since I did [have a good time] that I can't really recall it. One thing I know for sure: I can do it again, and I will.

For example, I have published a book and I loved working on that book more than most other projects I have done to date. So, I want to continue to enjoy myself: writing, publishing, etc. That's not all, though. Another love of mine is retail. My ebay store is rebirthing and that, you guessed it, is very exciting. I have [somewhat] settled on my areas of concentration, so to speak: purses, neckties, exotic tops, skirts and eventually, pumps and children's clothing. Whew. It's a great time to be alive.

Along with the above, is the pending youtube channel and the blogtalkradio show to re-launch. So, now, as you can see, I have some work to do. What does this all have to do with you? Plenty! You're invited to join in with me.

Let's share a journey of recreating and fun and movement and money making and all else that the 21st century is waiting for us to share! Let's just see how much we can do and how much fun we can have.

Oh, horrors! I forgot to mention: the ministry, the alternative clinic, the tea room! Wow, I gotta get busy.

Whatever you do, where you do it or how, please do this one thing: livewell!

With all good wishes and best regards,
Sandra Teresa Davenport - thehealthreverend.

'Alternative' Tools

Friday, November 7, 2014

I have a job. That is not news. I have a job which requires my presence at 5:45 a.m., further requiring me to awake at a much earlier time than that.

Me, Smiling Again!

I don't enjoy giving my time away, certainly not my best time. One great benefit: the millions and millions of stars that I see each morning when I leave the house. The surround area is so dark and wooded, it is just a wonderful start, the Morning Stars in rural Northeast Georgia.

BTW: I'll soon harvest my backyard ginger plant. You'll love it; you'll see!
Livewell today!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I sincerely apologize for my long absence from my blog post. I call it a post because it is an important position that I hold, that of Blogger. Not just for me, but for anyone who might read it and benefit.

Now that we are together again, let's go!

First, I want you to know that I am yet to retrieve my lost files from my old PC. The good news is that I have a computer geek friend who is going to help me. He gave me instructions on what to do but I just don't have the confidence to do it.

Next, then, is the new PC. Yet another HP. I love her; she's great. My biggest question with this purchase was cleared up quite quickly: it was at my local Wal-Mart. I went and got it; took it home. A couple of days later, I opened it, used it, and loved it. Teeny-tiny problem solved.

More: The stand-along presentation of Arise, and Walk! the blogtalkradio of LivingWellMinistries, will premiere Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 8:00 p.m., EST. On the maiden voyage, we will simply visit, chat and talk about things to come. I am ever so excited about this new venture into my active ministry. Dial in to listen: 347 327 9584. Staples of the show will remain: the IT Moment, Herb of the Day, Book Reviews, exciting, informative guest contributors and much, much more. If you prefer, just sign in to at 8:00 p.m. and you will see my show listed.

Thank you so very, very much for your time.

I will see you soon!

Some of My Favorite Herbs

Smile, No Matter What!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Beginnings - on My GrandMother's Mantel
Well, here in the last moments of my free time, I'm 'moved' to write of my Apothecary. I love that word: Apothe-cary. It makes me think of something mysterious and moving. It conjures visions of someone moving about in long, flowing, loose-fitted clothing mixing and making things. Things, in this case, refers to lotions, potions, teas, and such.
The title I have given myself for now is Herbal Alchemist. I know that an alchemist is one who works with metals and such. What appeals to me is the melding and restructuring and so forth. To be a part of such efforts is very exciting.
To the extent that I perform these functions [albeit only for myself] I take my place among the starts who really do.
Take heart, my friend! It won't be long before I do it for the masses--mix, and match, and heat and blend and oh! It's just so exciting.
What I want from you is this: stay close, so when the time comes for us to release videos and such, you'll be out front, in the center!
Thanks For Sharing!

Friday, September 26, 2014

What did I do? I left way too many fonts in my last post. Not just way too many, but they were way too big and obtuse! That's what happens when I start learning how to do things on a matter how simple they may be!

So, My Friends and Loved Ones, my Readers, old and new...forgive me. That couldn't have been easy to behold.

 Now, that's settled.

Listen to this: I visited a homestead today. A real, true-to-life homestead. The owner/farmer has goats, chickens, ducks and bees. She has real eggs! I tell you, it was just too cool to walk right out in the yard, into the fence. Unfortunately, there were only two. That's right. But I never saw such beautiful animals as those goats and chickens.

She even has a dairy. I saw her milking apparatus. Along with the eggs, I got mozzarella cheese and original, made-today, whey! Isn't that just grand! It was for me! I'm so sorry there are no pictures. but we meet again next week Saturday, so check back!

Well, I had a great day today and I trust you did, as well.

 I am always looking for guests for my show. Please connect with me at your convenience if you are interested in joining in.
 Livewelltoday! – Sandra Teresa Davenport – thehealthreverend
 Arise, and Walk! now available at and

Monday, September 22, 2014

I have my reasons for writing about Sorghum. In a short while you will understand! For now, just know that I'm really grateful that you're reading this!

Beginning of the Apothecary!
The sorghum plant, which is a type of grass, was introduced into the United States from Africa in the early part of the 17th century. [ /September-Scoop09.pdf]

There is a town in northeast Georgia called Blairsville. This town is famous for its Sorghum. Imagine that. If you have ever had it, you would marvel. Another thing I recall from my childhood is the big ho’cake [I think they were saying whole cake.] of white bread and sorghum for breakfast. My young uncle put butter in his. Gross.
To my immediate knowledge, Sorghum is just something sweet to eat. It does, however, have health benefits; including ‘…vitamins and minerals and is a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, thiamin and omega 6 fatty acids. [Op. cit.]

Livewelltoday! – Sandra Teresa Davenport – thehealthreverend
Arise, and Walk! now available at and

I learned to make a Collage
and thought You might like it!



Saturday, September 20, 2014

Really, it was. See, the theme was ‘Time and Patience’. On the last show [September 6] we worked more on Time than Patience. We worked largely from Ageless Body; Timeless Mind¸ Deepak Chopra. There is a great wealth of information regarding the connection between the mind and body. More specifically, it is about how ones beliefs affect ones body. Put another way: what you think affects how you feel. It’s true. That includes, the way a body ages.

Our Lovely Tea Collage!
Tonight, however, we moved onward to Patience. Most interestingly, Patience is referred to very few time in ‘the bible’. There are some stories about how someone remained patient and was then rewarded; how God rewards patience in believers but no true discussion of the term, itself.

We, therefore, moved into secular learning and found much more. One initial thought/revelation regarding Patience was that it is always in connection with a goal, that there is always some sort of trepidation attached to it, and yes, some level of suffering. Among those cited were Henri Nouwen, who I first encountered at the Seminary. He actually wrote an entire book on the story of the prodigal son.

In any case, I have shared herein below a couple of my favorite quotes regarding patience.

Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day.”
Rainer Maria Rilke,
Letters to a Young Poet

You know, it occurs to me you may wondering ".. what show...?" Well, it's my blogtalkradio show, presented two Saturdays each month. It is the blogtalk radio of LivingWellMinistries, 'Arise and Walk'. Please save the number, date and time: 347 539 5669, Saturday, October 4 and 18, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. EST

Next month's Theme: Heal Thyself! See yawl then.


Please enjoy, and as always, livewell/drinktea!
Just a nice round tray.

Let's Have Tea!
Arise, and Walk! now available at and



Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A tiny green leafy item found in produce, most widely known to shoppers and diners as a garnish. I was at a Passover celebration and we were served Parsley to dip in vinegar. [As I recall, to symbolize the bitterness of the Exodus.] Most often, we don’t eat our garnish; not so with Parsley.

Clearly not Parsley, but a lovely yellow bush!
Again, speaking from personal experience, Parsley is a fine and dandy medicinal tiny green leafy garnish. Say you have a sinus situation, stuffy, runny, etc. If you get ahold to some Parsley and eat it, you will soon have breathing relief. You may also make tea of it; it is said to be ‘sympathetic’ to the kidneys. One thing I know for certain about Parsley: it is absolutely diuretic. Indeed, so.

It is a curative for bad breath--Garlic, for instance. If you chew the fresh item after consuming Garlic, Onions, Coffee, Booze, it will clear the bad from your breath.

If a person wanted to experience an absolute kidney flush, they could juice Celery, Cucumber, Parsley and Ginger. And they would stay very close to a bathroom. This is one combination you can depend upon. Oh, but it tastes really good!
You probably realize that I'm using a green font and I know it's hokey, but hey, you gotta have fun!
Now, go on out and get some Parsley, and as always, livewelltoday!
Sandra Teresa Davenport – thehealthreverend
Arise, and Walk! Biblical Principles of Health and Wellness

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hello, Everyone!

It is no secret by now that I am a published author. That's right, I am. However, more information about my life as an author may be a secret.

That's why I am telling you about the interview at  It is the site where I am presently publishing. Soon I will release a free ebook relating to, you guessed it--herbals! Between now and then, please go to the smashwords site and read all about me.

You'll find out how I came to write, my writing process, and much more.

The forerunner will be available by September 30, free for 60 days, and then the 'unit' will appear: Arise and Walk: Biblical Principles of Health and Wellness.

Thanks for your time

Livewell today!
Sandra d. - TheHealthReverend

Friday, September 12, 2014

If I appear to be dragging out my Herb of the Day, I am. I know much more than I realized, and you know me: I love to share. Enjoy!

Long, long ago and not that far away, in the City of Atlanta, my younger sisters introduced me to my first health food store. I was fascinated by all the dried herbs. And they were all so cheap. It was self-serve and just, oh, so very hip.

I was probably reading Back to Eden, by Jethro Kloss at the time. Anyhow, I found out that it would help me with menstrual cramps so I gave it a try—made some tea. That is to say, I boiled some dried Ginger, sweetened it and enjoyed it. I returned to it often. I also noticed that it warmed my body.

Ginger gives a nice taste to coffee and black tea. A favorite blend of mine is Ginger, Peppermint, Rosemary, ‘catalyzed’ by a bit of crushed Cayenne. It is a really great energy drink, wakes you up and a host of other good things.

This is my post for today. Thank you for your time and attention.
Sandra Teresa Davenport - TheHealthReverend!


Arise, and Walk! now available at and

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Well, Friends, it's like this: I have been using and experimenting with herbs for some 30 years now.

Here recently, I turned my attention to Ginger. I have some inflammation in my body - right knee, to be exact--and Ginger is stated to be a anti-inflammatory. It is!

What I Used: My first approach was to add . Initially, just a small amount, enough to make it taste really good. Then, I added more.

What I Did: Slices of fresh ginger added to my regular daily pot O'TEA. Okay, I'll be honest: I added way too much. It was so hit and spicy I couldn't drink it! Wow.

Next time, I added just less than an quarter of the amount -- three-four slices, about 1/8 of an inch thick.

What Happened? No pain upon standing! That's correct. No pain.

What I Learned? Ginger is a bit like Chamomile and Lavender...a slow responder. From what I can tell, it takes some time to really get into your system. Once it does, good things happen for you.

I may have mentioned somewhere that my reigning favorite herb is Rosemary. I gotta tell you, Ginger is now bringing up a very close second!

Stay tuned; more on Ginger to come~

This is my post for today. Thank you for your time and attention.
Sandra Teresa Davenport - TheHealthReverend!


Arise, and Walk! now available at and


Monday, September 8, 2014

Hey Yawl, starting tomorrow, I will offer an Everyday Herbal, which will give you some information on some herb or that I have used and how it can help you! So don't forget me, ok!

 Livewelltoday! – Sandra Teresa Davenport – thehealthreverend
Why am I happy, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. I'm happy about my nearly-200 readers on my blog. That's more than I had the entire life of my first attempt. Then, I'm happy because I am starting to live the life I've always wanted: WRITING! SPEAKING! TEACHING!
 In Writing, I'm learning to self-publish, and self-promote. Also still learning the fine art of blogging. Although still new, I am making strides.
 In Speaking, I'm sharing it with anyone who is interested enough to listen.
In Teaching, I'm fully embracing my calling to ministry and you  know what that means! I really really love my blogtalkradio show and you're invited to love it too!
The Park Where I Walk

Me, Dressed in my Favorite Colors!
    I am always looking for guests for my show. Please connect with me at your convenience if you are interested in joining in.

Arise, and Walk! now available at and

   Livewelltoday! – Sandra Teresa Davenport – thehealthreverend

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Good Sunday Afternoon!
Yes, indeed, it is I!

My first order of business is to thank all who listened in to my blogtalkradio show last night. From 7:00 to 10:00 p.m., people were listening to me and I really appreciate it! Even my mother dialed in. She said she fell asleep but she still heard most of it!

Yet again, we had one or two technical difficulties but you know a simple thing like that won't stop me, so we forged onward!

The theme for September is Time and Patience. The main sources for this month are Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra and Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About, Kevin Trudeau. These two combine to lay a very fine groundwork for the discussion of aging, agelessness and quantum health.

If you have time, desire and inclination [all at once] please check into these books. They will surely be available at your local library, book store, or best yet, your thrift store! In any case, do give these sources a look and join in with us on Saturday, September 20, for a return to the discussion of Time and Patience.

Did you know, Noah was 600 years old when the rains started? He was!

This is my post for today. Thank you for your time and attention.
Sandra Teresa Davenport - TheHealthReverend!


Arise, and Walk! now available at and


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I am Sandra Teresa Davenport. I am no preacher; nor am I the child of a preacher. However, I fully accept, embrace and enjoy my calling into ministry to teach and preach. The name of my ministry is LivingWellMinistries.

Further, in the words of Franz Fanon.

“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”

Now then, if I were an active 'preacher', I would conduct some sort of service most Sundays. If I were a Christian, I would have conducted that service in the most widely-accepted format: opening hymn, scripture, welcoming guests, introduction of pastor, and the much-anticipated, Sermon. After that, I would have opened the door to Christian discipleship--also often referred to as—inviting people to join the church. By this time, you--out there in the pews--would be so ready to go that the closing hymn would be just a big of a drag. Oh, I almost forgot: I would have to have someone come down to the front of the church and welcome visitors.
Howbe ever, this is the age of the internet, and I do my work online! It is wonderful!  I want to thank the living God: I am not an active preacher, nor a pastor, nor, in fact, do I even attend church services on a regular basis. Too boring for my brain. Regular church attendance is what the Christian believer does...I don't have those kinda beliefs.

In preparation for my series [videos, clips, reading lists, etc.] entitled TheHealthReverend, let me say this:
My 'services' will always have most of the above-named components. Just with a much different flavor. I will 'preach' and teach from more than just a bible. Every item of existence has some meaning and a message. I will try to hold your attention with such things as definitions of terms [in case someone doesn't know what exegesis means]. Opening songs will include 'Blowing in the Wind' [Stevie Wonder] and 'How Can I Keep from Singing' [Eva Cassidy]. Everyone will be welcome and no there will be nothing to join; likewise, no tithes, building funds or pastor’s salary to pay.
Something from my seminary experience must be added: Dr. Howard Thurman [great Christian Mystic]; Dr. Jacqueline Grant [pioneering preacher woman who gave the world Womanist Theology].
Likewise, please keep an eye out for my YouTube Channel, theredpodium, from whence I will answer my calling to teach and preach. What will I teach? Biblical principles of health [Genesis 1:29] and welfare [Eccl. 10:19].
When I joined the last church that I ‘belong to’, the minister stated that I “…always gives you something extra to think about.” I promise you, I will always do that. It is my duty, my obligation, indeed, my absolute pleasure.
We’re going to live a long time, yawl. We have a lot to learn, and so much to do. I must ‘serve my present age, my calling to fulfill…’ I would appreciate it if you would help me to do this. Read my blogs, follow them; Listen to my blogtalkradio show on Saturday, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. EST, and share them with others.

 I am Sandra Teresa Davenport, and I appreciate talking with you.

Find me on:

Sunday, August 31, 2014

 “…Physician, heal thyself…” Luke 4:23

If we use what's on hand instead of going to the doctor, or the drugstore, and we still get to feelin' better, we're using home remedies. Home remedies include castor oil packs, hot oil treatments, foot soaks, full body soaks, 'rub downs', also known as massage, scalp massage for headaches, vaporizers for congestion and enemas for constipation. They also include herbs, fresh-raw fruit and vegetables--whole and juiced; mono-diets [eating just a few fruits or vegetables for a few days], and of all things—water [with lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juice added].


Arise, and Walk! now available at and

Find me on:

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Wow. Oh Boy, do I have a lotta new information to share! I'm about to move my publishing
efforts over to and I can't wait to tell you all about it. Back with you soon. Til then, livewell, drinktea!

your friend,
Sandra d.

Find me on:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wow. Wow. Wow. You'll hear me use that word a lot. Here, in NE GA, it is 1:37 a.m. I am here at my trusty [although slightly ailing] hp laptop and having a great brain rush! That's when I feel a whole lot of useful, exciting information fall into my head at one time!

I just completed a years-awaited, far-too-long-postponed project. I published my first book. Writing--and anything associated [books, notebooks, black, fine-point ink pens, etc,] has always been my love.

In this moment, as I began this post, I realized once again that that is the most exciting time to be alive! Ebooks live! Yes, indeed, my friends, the gates are now swinging open!

Whatever it is that you've postponed, do it! Whatever it is that you think you would enjoy, do that! If there is something you have really marveled at others doing for good money, but you could do even better, get after it! Now!

Indeed, so, trust me: The Gate is now Swinging Open! Ashe!

Sandra d - TheHealthReverend

1 My calling

2 Peter 1:10 |Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, …
Arise and Walk |

My calling was to teach and preach…and this is how I got it. Not through email or a memo or a conference call or a tweet and back in that year, no FaceBook. Oh, no. Here is where I revert to my love of stories—specifically stories about old friends. One such friend is the great Richard B. Haynes, Senior Pastor of Salem Missionary Baptist Church, in Lilburn, Georgia. Richard and I have a Godfather in common—Rev. W.L. Whelchel. We met up at Rev. Whelchel’s church one Sunday about a dozen or so years ago. Richard was the featured speaker. When came time for the altar call, Richard said something about people staying on their knees only long enough to talk to god, never thinking to say long enough to see what God was saying.

That night, I remembered Richard’s words after I finished my prayer. I got right back on my knees. Instantly came the thought: “preach and teach my word”. Lord-ee! Me? Preach? Really? Wow. Okay, then what do I do next, I asked? Study, came the response. Where, asked I? Go to ITC. So after a year or so of planning, I went, directly to The ITC.

Although there, and having a great learning experience as a full-time student, I steadily resisted the calling I had accepted. My constant refrain was, “I ain’t no preacher.” I was deeply disappointed in and distressed by the state of  ‘the church’. I, of course, constantly blamed the preachers for it all. I saw how many people were ill, spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially. All this, while the preachers kept on whooping and a-hollering from the pulpit. My distress continued and grew…every time I mentioned my work in health and wellness, the preacher in the crowd told me one of two thing: first, the obvious, God gone take care of us all and then, of all things, ‘ain’t no sick people in my congregation.’ Well, all I could do was hush.

Early on at The ITC, I had the good fortune of meeting a man named Keith Wilks. We became fast friends and talked a lot. Eventually, one of those times when I was making my ‘I ain’t no preacher’ speeches, Brother Wilks said as softly and clearly as he could, “Yes you are a preacher, too, Sandra; you preach every time you open your mouth.” Again, I hushed.

These pages will tell you something of what I did, learned, thought while I was there. Enjoy! 

I know that there is a new world coming and it will be here before we know it. I believe this new world will require new ways of being. I believe that what many consider the second coming will be just a new age: an age of love, one person to the other; an age of hope, where all may prosper; an age of oneness, away from division and separation. I know it is my job to help usher in this new age.

I sometimes feel like I have read and studied every book written on alternative health maintenance since the turn of the century. According to Les Brown, if a person reads one book a month on the same topic, at the end of the year, that person is considered an expert. That makes me an expert on alternative health!

I won’t refer you to a meal plan because my meals are mainly just some food on a plate when it’s time to eat. I figure the best time to eat is when you get hungry and the time to stop is when you get full. I don't and have never counted calories or fat grams or measured portions or coordinated food colors, and … I never will. So much work takes too much of the fun out of the meal. Furthermore, I have no [useful] information on vitamins, minerals, supplements, protein powders or things of that nature.
Arise, and Walk! now available at

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Arise, and Walk! Biblical Principles
of Health and Wellness
 now available at

Thank you, all, ever so much!

Sandra d.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Just to let u know, Arise, and Walk! hosted a great show last night [that is, until the last 12 minutes when my phone had a caniption!].

Our theme for the month was Silence and Solitude. As usual, the opening song was 'Wake Up Everybody', followed by an exegesis of the foundational scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:19.

Both contributors were part of the IT moment [Pam Ryans - York, Alabama; Scott Cantrell, from my very own home town, Cornelia, GA!] Both parties gave us very useful insight as well as shared information on their own pursuits in IT.

Pam Ryans maintains two websites and a YouTube Channell. Scott Cantrell, the computer guru, gave a great 'talking-to' regarding the wide wide world of internet technology.

For a full 'listening opportunity', please go to; search for me: Sandra Teresa Davenport, and listen in!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My topics range from 'biblical'/alternative principles of health and wellness to internet technology to book reviews and then back around again to the health byte of the week. I hope you will soon join in and I am certain you will be glad. Just dial in to 347 539 5669 at 7:00 pm. EST Saturday August 23. The theme for August: Solitude and Silence; contributing guests vary from week to week, so join right up with us and see what we can do to Help People Live Well!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My first book is now officially being released! That's right! I am soon to become a widely-distributed author! Stay close for more information.

Arise, and Walk!
Biblical Principles of Health and Wellness

The Rev on Medium

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