Further, in the words of Franz Fanon.
“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”
then, if I were an active 'preacher', I would conduct some sort of service most
Sundays. If I were a Christian, I would have conducted that service in the most
widely-accepted format: opening hymn, scripture, welcoming guests, introduction
of pastor, and the much-anticipated, Sermon. After that, I would have opened
the door to Christian discipleship--also often referred to as—inviting people
to join the church. By this time, you--out there in the pews--would be so ready
to go that the closing hymn would be just a big of a drag. Oh, I almost forgot:
I would have to have someone come down to the front of the church and welcome
ever, this is the age of the internet, and I do my work online! It is
wonderful! I want to thank the living God: I am not an active preacher,
nor a pastor, nor, in fact, do I even attend church services on a regular
basis. Too boring for my brain. Regular church attendance is what the Christian
believer does...I don't have those kinda beliefs.
preparation for my series [videos, clips, reading lists, etc.] entitled TheHealthReverend,
let me say this:
'services' will always have most of the above-named components. Just with a
much different flavor. I will 'preach' and teach from more than just a bible.
Every item of existence has some meaning and a message. I will try to hold your
attention with such things as definitions of terms [in case someone doesn't
know what exegesis means]. Opening songs will include 'Blowing in the Wind'
[Stevie Wonder] and 'How Can I Keep from Singing' [Eva Cassidy]. Everyone will
be welcome and no there will be nothing to join; likewise, no tithes, building
funds or pastor’s salary to pay.
from my seminary experience must be added: Dr. Howard Thurman [great Christian
Mystic]; Dr. Jacqueline Grant [pioneering preacher woman who gave the world
Womanist Theology].
Likewise, please keep an eye out for my
YouTube Channel, theredpodium, from whence I will answer my calling to teach
and preach. What will I teach? Biblical principles of health [Genesis 1:29] and
welfare [Eccl. 10:19].
When I joined the last church that I ‘belong
to’, the minister stated that I “…always gives you something extra to think about.”
I promise you, I will always do that. It is my duty, my obligation, indeed, my
absolute pleasure.
We’re going to live a long time, yawl. We
have a lot to learn, and so much to do. I must ‘serve my present age, my
calling to fulfill…’ I would appreciate it if you would help me to do this.
Read my blogs, follow them; Listen to my blogtalkradio show on Saturday, 7:00 –
10:00 p.m. EST, and share them with others.
I am Sandra Teresa Davenport, and I appreciate talking with you.
Livewelltoday!Find me on: www.smashwords.com/profile/view/me
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