Sunday, April 30, 2017

 Hello Everyone, Happy Sunday, Again!

I painted this, Myself! I'm so proud!
I don’t know who reads my posts or who writes their own. I don’t know how many of you kind readers are truly interested in my topic[s]. [I know. I know, everyone is J.] I have received precious few responses to my posts, via my website. That all matters. But in other ways it don’t matter, at all.

Why don’t it matter?                                           

I am a writer. That’s right. And these days, I have an expanded topic of health and wellness to write about.
Seriously. Have you ever had a stroke?
Neither had I.
In fact, no one in my entire clan has ever had a stroke [that I am aware of].

I always thought of a Stroke as something that either killed the patient, instantly, or they recovered and came home. The other end is that the patient would come home and I would be able to see the extent of the damage done by the stroke.

Again, never was I related to any of these people.

Where am I going tonight? I’ll tell you.
I think about my posts constantly. I want them to be done well and orderly. I want them to be interesting to anyone who glances at them. From my posts regarding health and wellness, I want every reader to gather information that they can make use. It is my duty—and yes, my calling—to help people live well, daily.

Learning to prevent specific illness is a large and crucial part of living well. Of course, we want to be able to recover quickly, from colds, headaches, etc. There is no end to the list of approaches we can take to stay well.

Lucky for me, it is, as I said before, my job to help yawl do this.

You are still waiting to hear what I’m going to say, right? OK, Buddy, here we go: I am going to present my posts as chronological accounts of my Recovery. That’s right. There are and have been so many different pieces. This is a good idea. Each time I see a friend or relative who asks me how I am doing, I come closer to this decision. Their questions never stop and of course, my answering and ‘informing’ never stops, either.

So, while I was sitting and walking and doing the dishes and thinking about it, I got a simple instruction: ‘Just write it out, San. That’s the simple thing to do.’

Another problem with this shift is that when it is time to write, I won’t. That’s right. My fuzzy focus is left-over from the Stroke. I can work better toward a project’s end if I am away from home. In the library, I can do well. That is, if I get there on the right day, at the right time. I live in a small hamlet town and people around these parts just talk a ‘lot’ in the library, and lordy, they do talk loud. So that is no place for me.

Not only that...

My damaged brain is healing much better these days, in big steps. I can easily see that my focus is improving and so is my recall. Right now, it’s mainly my discipline that needs attention. Strictly speaking, I can’t blame the Stroke for that.

I think I mentioned this previously: my sister suggested I keep a chronological journal and rewrite my previous days. This would help me to recall details. I agree. The problem? Half the time I won’t do it, either. That is going to change, as I just gave you my word, and I am following instruction. J


I sincerely need to sharpen my focus, yet again. I fully enjoy keeping the journal so I’m sure I’ll stay with it.

Thank you for your time in reading and for sharing this post. I will begin the next one Wednesday afternoon.

Love always,

SandraTeresa Davenport,


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