Sunday, April 30, 2017

 Hello Everyone, Happy Sunday, Again!

I painted this, Myself! I'm so proud!
I don’t know who reads my posts or who writes their own. I don’t know how many of you kind readers are truly interested in my topic[s]. [I know. I know, everyone is J.] I have received precious few responses to my posts, via my website. That all matters. But in other ways it don’t matter, at all.

Why don’t it matter?                                           

I am a writer. That’s right. And these days, I have an expanded topic of health and wellness to write about.
Seriously. Have you ever had a stroke?
Neither had I.
In fact, no one in my entire clan has ever had a stroke [that I am aware of].

I always thought of a Stroke as something that either killed the patient, instantly, or they recovered and came home. The other end is that the patient would come home and I would be able to see the extent of the damage done by the stroke.

Again, never was I related to any of these people.

Where am I going tonight? I’ll tell you.
I think about my posts constantly. I want them to be done well and orderly. I want them to be interesting to anyone who glances at them. From my posts regarding health and wellness, I want every reader to gather information that they can make use. It is my duty—and yes, my calling—to help people live well, daily.

Learning to prevent specific illness is a large and crucial part of living well. Of course, we want to be able to recover quickly, from colds, headaches, etc. There is no end to the list of approaches we can take to stay well.

Lucky for me, it is, as I said before, my job to help yawl do this.

You are still waiting to hear what I’m going to say, right? OK, Buddy, here we go: I am going to present my posts as chronological accounts of my Recovery. That’s right. There are and have been so many different pieces. This is a good idea. Each time I see a friend or relative who asks me how I am doing, I come closer to this decision. Their questions never stop and of course, my answering and ‘informing’ never stops, either.

So, while I was sitting and walking and doing the dishes and thinking about it, I got a simple instruction: ‘Just write it out, San. That’s the simple thing to do.’

Another problem with this shift is that when it is time to write, I won’t. That’s right. My fuzzy focus is left-over from the Stroke. I can work better toward a project’s end if I am away from home. In the library, I can do well. That is, if I get there on the right day, at the right time. I live in a small hamlet town and people around these parts just talk a ‘lot’ in the library, and lordy, they do talk loud. So that is no place for me.

Not only that...

My damaged brain is healing much better these days, in big steps. I can easily see that my focus is improving and so is my recall. Right now, it’s mainly my discipline that needs attention. Strictly speaking, I can’t blame the Stroke for that.

I think I mentioned this previously: my sister suggested I keep a chronological journal and rewrite my previous days. This would help me to recall details. I agree. The problem? Half the time I won’t do it, either. That is going to change, as I just gave you my word, and I am following instruction. J


I sincerely need to sharpen my focus, yet again. I fully enjoy keeping the journal so I’m sure I’ll stay with it.

Thank you for your time in reading and for sharing this post. I will begin the next one Wednesday afternoon.

Love always,

SandraTeresa Davenport,

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Hello, Everyone, It's Sunday Again... 

I know, I might have titled last week’s post with the same, or very similar, words. It’s not that I think of nothing else these days. I do.

The Building Where I was born!

It’s just that I always think of my health, my healing, my future.

Everything I read about these days is health-related, stroke survival.

Other—often times, anyway, I think of how to increase my followers. Not on FB, but on my own blog. I am very, very eager to increase these tiny, little two-digit numbers into big ones, that grow and grow from week to week.

I have just a bit of a challenge with focus, concentration and maintenance. That is, maintenance of my goals, once they are set. This is said to be a left-over from my Stroke. I have done what appears to me to be a great deal of reading on this topic. I am really read to find something much more direct and aimed at my present ‘problems’. Short-term memory loss, intermittent headaches and dizziness and, god forbid—hallucinations.

I know I have mentioned them previously, but I haven’t come upon anything directed to them. My questions are all quite simple. I.e., why are hallucinations always so danged scary? Why do they all take over the present vision of an item I have seen daily, all my life [trees, plants, flower pots]. None of these things are scary to me, but when my brain presents me with an alternative view, it is scary, for sure.

At this point, I must make better efforts in these directions, and dig deeper to learn more about hallucinations, how they start, from which part of my brain and memory they come and why, for heaven’s sake, are they all so danged scary? At least, mine are anyhow.

Now, for a bit about something else...

I had just begun to re-plan my future. Before the Stroke happened, I was even thinking of places I would like to live, what professions interested me. I even gave some thought to how I would get to those places.

Then, about a year ago today, my Stroke occurred.

Life is always changing, have you noticed?

Be encouraged, however.

Don’t be afraid of anything at any time.

Back To Health...

I am always concerned about my health, and yours. I am always reading about thigns I can do to take better control of my health, and gain a better understanding.

I have finally come to the conclusion that eating well is superior to any other diet or approach to weight-loss that I have encountered so far.

Beginning next Sunday, I will have an entry on health, citing various books and articles that I have read since I’ve been on the road to Recovery. I will be entirely delighted to hear your views and opinions and share information with you, on any of my posts.

Be sure to DrinkTeaToday/LiveWellAlways!


Sandra d –  

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Me, Being Happy! :)

Oh boy, there’s a new week upon us. If there’s a new week, it means that I should have posted ­­before today [Tuesday]. I didn’t, so I’m doing it now.

I continue with my most recent project [if you want to call it that]: Recovery.

One of the most interesting parts of it is my continuing hallucinations. They don’t come as often and are not as horrifying as before, but, oh boy, they still come!

There is so much to learn, about everything. I means, seriously, do you know a lot about the brain, how it works, hot it controls the entire body? Are you even familiar with how rest and nutrition and exercise affect its condition and its performance? It is all connected, my friends, and the more of it that I learn, I feel that the more of it I am obligated to practice.


So, what do I see in a hallucination?


Not much of what I see has an everyday-type name. None of the faces that I see can  easily be described as any other animal that we all know. For example, there is the recurring on of a black, rubbery-like, multi-legged crawling creature who shows up some times as I am lying down [to try] to go to sleep.

Going to sleep is yet another challenge. I ain’t sleeping well, at all.  Not only that, it takes me a long time [hours, sometimes] to go to sleep. Then, some of the dreams I have are just entirely ludicrous.One thing I must be grateful for: they are not just literally scary—the dreams.

Nothing like the images that my dear injured brain is creating.People, protect your brain. Start with what you eat, how you rest, how often you exercise. As much as I am sorry to say it: avoid alcohol, all of it. I know that once in a while, every true American wants to sip a beer. Please, just do it every once in a while, not every day. And surely, never do more than two a day.

My HomeTown at Night!

Okay, back to Recovery

Another piece of it is that I have dropped off a large collection of ‘stuff’ that I dragged around before. That includes, thoughts, memories, memorabilia, furnishings, books. Oh, me, all of that is stuff. It’s not that I put any clear thought into it, but it didn’t take long for me to realize that I just simply don’t need so much of it.Today, I am looking forward to moving away from the hamlet where live, to something with a bit more variety, pizazz, people, places, etc. Really, it’s just a 2017 version of Mayberry. Truthfully speaking, there’s nothing wrong with it.

I just want at least one new adventure. So, as soon as I am fully recovered, I’m off! I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

StayWell, Everyone!

Don't Forget Your Tea! 

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