Study! and show thyself approved! |
Generally, when someone asks a question in this fashion, it
means they want to tell you something instead of listen to you tell them.
For example, during the President’s first campaign, a white
woman said to me, ‘You’re not going to vote for Obama, are you?’ Well, as it
happens, my brain can only answer or ask a question; not both at the same time.
I didn’t remember to ask her who else she thought I’d vote for. I did, however,
ask what she thought she had in common with Mitt Romney. I don’t recall her
But, I digress.
But really, Yawl, I’d love to know what African-American history
means to White Americans. I once asked this question of every one of my White
American email contacts. That came to about 30 people. I got a total of two
responses. They both prattled along about not being responsible for things that
happened long ago and one said something about taking her cares to the cross
and letting Jesus work it all out. Oh my. What does that mean?
I once mentioned feminism and women’s rights with the
president of my high school senior class. He joked that it was the same as
Black History to White Americans. He thought it was funny and took offense when
I didn’t.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t take any offense at all when White
Americans don’t care about African-American history. I am accustomed to people
who are incarcerated inside their own ignorance. My conclusion is this: a
person may [is free to] believe [embrace unsubstantiated information as true] anything
until they know. Knowledge and belief are two entirely different
brain/intellectual functions.
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
To the extent that belief guides behavior, people are safe
in their behaviors a long as they have a belief that will defend it. [I.e., husband
who believe they have the right to control their wives, even if it includes
physical brutality.] So, as long as one group of people believes that they are superior to another, they are safe in
their behaviors. Remember this:
New occasions teach new duties, time makes ancient good uncouth.
So, as long as no one studies African-American history but African-Americans, White Americans are safe in their belief of racial superior. The big trouble is, no one makes any progress.
I’ll be writing this topic all month. March is Women’s
History Month, so I shouldn’t have to tell you my topic.
Here’s an assignment for you: If you really don’t, haven’t
and couldn’t give a dam less about African-American history, consider this: African-American
history is the missing pages of American history. Take a chance: study it. That
way, you won’t have to be obnoxious when you don’t have an intelligent answer
and most all, you will know the truth and be set free from your ignorance, your
arrogance and may even avoid some really bad, un-Christian behaviors.
Ok, so that’s it for now. Don’t forget to drink your Tea, because
it is your friend. For the sake of African-American History Month, I suggest
African Red Bush [aka Rooibos]. You will surely be glad you did.
This is also National Heart Health Month. I will be talking
with you about how the various emotions [fear, dread, loss, depression] and
environmental factors [racism, poverty, un/underemployment] affect the life
chances and life results of all Americans. It’s part of my job, you
know, I am The Health Reverend!
Upcoming Later this Month:
Book Reviews:
Martin and Malcolm and America James Cone
An African Prayer Book – Desmond Tutu
Seeds of Change: Five plants that transformed
mankind - Henry
Jesus and The Disinherited – Howard Thurman
Further Posts:
‘I Hate Southerners – Recap of a Conversation overheard on a Plane coming home from Phoenix’
‘I Hate Southerners – Recap of a Conversation overheard on a Plane coming home from Phoenix’
SandraTeresa Davenport
The Health Reverend
TheHealthReverendSpeaks! on BlogTalkRadio
Listen Live Local Saturday @ 7:00 p.m.
TheHealthReverendSpeaks! on BlogTalkRadio
Listen Live Local Saturday @ 7:00 p.m.
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