Still Helping People Live Well! |
Greetings, and thank you for stopping by. These few words are an overview of the instruction in my up-coming twice-monthly Health and Wellness classes. The Biblical/Theological foundation of my work: Hosea 4:6, 1 Cor. 14:19 and Genesis 6:3. I just know that we can all attain to the 120 years. My duty and my pleasure is to do all that I am able to help make it happen.
So, just in case you won't be at my class next Tuesday night, this gives you an idea of what we will cover:
In my never-ending quest for health, wellness, energy, and yes weight control, I am never disappointed! Well, rarely. I am, however, always inspired, interested, uplifted. If nothing else, just the amount of time and energy and effort and yes, money, that people put into research is enough to quicken my heart!
Being a Minister of Health and Wellness, it is my obligation, my duty, my pleasure, to pass along what I learn as often and as quickly as I can. Today, I am giving a word, just a word, on Fat. That's right. The thing we have all believed we should avoid, because it would surely make us fat, cause our chinny chin-chins to sag, to say nothing of the missing thigh gap!
Fear no more, my friends. Fat is your Friend!
The ultimate goal in weight loss/control is to burn fat. The number one stage, step, movement in burning fat is: NO DIETARY SUGAR! When you begin your research, you will find that sugar takes on a multitude of forms! It can find its way into anything from energy bars to baby foods and back again into yogurt! That's right, and these foods are [supposedly] healthy!
Please look over the attached Reading List. It is a hold-over from my MCE work at seminary, and continues to grow. I would especially invite your attention to the last two entries. They form the Historical and the Socio-Cultural foundations of the work of LivingWellMinistries.
BTW: The T-shirt in the photo? I couldn't wait any longer to get started so I made my own shirt, right there in the front room, on the ironing board. I wear it when I go to the park to walk, to Wal-Mart, etc. To date, no one has asked me 'why?', but they will! And, I'll tell them why!
Reading List
Baker, Elizabeth. Does The Bible Teach Nutrition? WinePress ublishing, 1997*.
Byrd, W. Michael and Linda A. Clayton. An American
Health Dilemma: Volume One - A Medical History of African-Americans and
the Problem of Race: Beginnings to 1900. Rutledge: New York. 2000.
Diamond, Harvey and Marilyn. Fit for Life. Warner
Books: New York, 1985*.
Dubin, Reese. Miracle Cures from the Bible. New
York, NY: Prentice Hall Press, 1999.
hooks, bell. Sisters of the Yam - Black Women and
Self-Recovery. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1993.
hooks, bell. Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of
Hope. New York: Rutledge Press, 2003.
Kelsey, Morton. Can Christians Be Educated? Birmingham,
AL: Religious Education Press, 1977*.
Kelsey, Morton. Healing and Christianity. Minneapolis:
Ausburg Press, 1995*.
Kloss, Jethro. Back to Eden, Coalmont, TN: Longview
Publishing House, 1939*.
Lomax, Sara Reese and Kirk Johnson. Staying Strong: Reclaiming
the Wisdom of African-American Healing*. Avon Books: New York. 1999.
Roberts, Jane. The
Way Toward Health. New World Library: San Rafael, CA: 1995.
Siegel, Bernie S., M.D, Love, Medicine & Miracles.
Harper & Row Publishers: New York. 1988*.
Wiley, T.S., (Mar 1, 2001), Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and
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