Saturday, January 17, 2015

Drink Up, Everyone! We have 14 more days to drink drink and drink out beloved favorite hot beverage: tea. That's right, January, according to Thyme Out Tea Parties []. There probably is a more 'official' birth of that declaration but it's good enough for me. This site is full of information about Tea. It lists events, provides opportunities for continued learning, as well as advertisements. I highly recommend them to you. Why? Sure! They're friendly people. Early in my efforts, I had delightful conversations with Susan Asher, Owner-Operator, as well as a male counterpart. They were both very helpful. Check it out, nxt time you are thirsting for knowledge as well as for tea: Thyme-out Tea Parties |
Now, then, I surely don't need the month declared, I love hot tea in all months. Truth to tell, I have had far less in recent months and far more coffee than my heart requires but I remain loyal. Indeed, my collecting and packing away continues afoot and I am always out for a new blend.

For a birthday gift to myself, I will publishing my first ebook, whose title has yet to be decided, but it's all about herbs, oils, spices and tea. Stay close!

In fact, just today, Sista Vanessa Burns reported recovery from a throat ailment due to a blend I 'prescribed'. It was Peppermint, Ginger and Cayenne. All her germs took off for friendlier sites! I was proud

Just pick up some lovely dry tea leaves, steep, pour, sweeten and enjoy and you will soon see why it should have at least one month to itself! Keep sipping!

As always, livewell today!

Sincerely, Sandra d - TheHealthReverend!


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