Monday, February 27, 2017

Tell me what you know about this building, soon, OK? thx
Hello, Everyone, and Thanks for stopping by. You may recall that a few months ago, I made at least an attempt to resume my online presence-building.

I must say presence-building because I am moving just ever so slowly.

You may have been reading my blog for a while. If so, then you know that I’ve been ‘ill’.

And that I am now recovering. I am so very grateful. 

I have learned a great many, important things about recovery.
First of all: it’s long. Recovering from brain surgery is quite different from recovering from the flu, a cold, a bad headache, or even a stomach virus.

For sure.

Recovering from the brain surgery involves my brain recovering from the injury, my skull recovering from the incision, my lower body recovering from the overall reaction to the stroke and the surgery.


On April 13, 2016, I had a stroke, brought about by the rupture of an aneurysm. Oddly, I had just been reading about such cases, in the last few months of 2014.

These days, I have read much, much more.

I do not intend to continually bore you with information about my recovery and the experience that brought it on. However, I am convinced that the information I share with you is is great importance.

So, I won’t stop anytime soon.

On the other hand, I would like to share with you other parts of my recovery. I refer to my life these days as only recovery.


That is all that I am doing these days. I dare not make a list of chores for the day, or errands to run, or people to visit.
Any simple thing like going to the thrift store, the dollar store, the drug store and then, the grocery, all in one coupla-hour span, is out.

That’s right, out.

I have been amazed at many of the experiences I have --had during recovery. Some have—seemingly—come and gone, while others linger just yet. 

Of those that linger are, memory and full-body energy, making afternoon lethargy a companion. It happens at different times of the day, but comes really hard and heavy around 3:00 p.m.

Don’t get me wrong, it comes in the too, but really puts me to bed in the afternoon.

There are several reasons that continue to push me back to the computer, at least every Sunday, anyhow.

One of which: I sincerely see every opportunity to fulfill my call to ministry, where my focus is on LivingWellMinistries. It may not sound like a lot to you, but to me it is a lot.

I will stay much more present.

Another reason, I feel deprived, myself, when I don’t post.

That is not good.

So, for tonite, this is where we will end. I will be with you again next week Sunday—the first one of March, and we’ll take off.
Your Friend, SandraTeresa Davenport

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