Sunday, October 23, 2016

This is the armband I 
used while 'hospitalized'. 
More Photos to come!
If you have read my more recent posts, you know that I am officially in recovery. I am recovering from emergency surgery for a ruptured aneurysm, in April. After the better part of a month in the hospital, I am now released.
I have a new life.
That mean much more than approaching life in a different way; a lot more.
I am no longer shy. I was once quite shy with a lotta people [including relatives].
I am no longer lack confidence. I was held back from doing an entire list of ‘things’ because of my low self confidence. These days, I’m held back from doing things that I just don’t care to do. Like what? Job shopping.
Oh, that reminds me!
I am a retired American now.
That’s right.
I am beginning my second year with it and it has been quite lovely. The second happiest day of my life was when I awoke and realized I had no one to call and report that I’d be late for work.
Wow. Some kinda fun.
The first happiest day? The day I went to the first grade, in Cornelia, Ga. I already knew the teacher and most of the students. My grandfather took me there, spoke to my teacher and left. I never lost a tear. It was a great, great day.
So, too, was it a great day knowing that I no longer am anyone’s employee.
See, I’m not that good at it, anyhow.
Like I said, I’ve had quite enough of it.
At different times, I think of another type of career but haven’t started after it as yet. I likely won’t, until my recovery is complete. Hopefully, by then, I’ll have been gifted with another interest.
Again, enough is enough.
Keep Learning what you Love!
Now, I believe that we should all find out what we want to do, and do it. This is especially true for someone who spent 20, 30-plus years doing something distasteful, for pay. I am moving toward a temporary hospice chaplain.
Think over your life, before the time comes to switch. That will put you in an even grander position of choice.
My second piece of information has two parts: nutrition and exercise. Being the HealthReverend, I have always been informed of these two. Today, I have an even greater need for specific information because I am simply trying to recover.
If you have any of the possible indications: high blood pressure, stress, or if you smoke/drink a lotta alcohol, and don’t exercise… maybe we should talk.
Why? Because I want no one that I now know or may soon know, to come into this same experience—a hemorrhagic stroke. Look it up and let your brain expand.

Your Friend,
Sandra d. – TheHealthReverend


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hello, Everyone
This is just a note, but…
As you may recall, I haven’t posted here for quite a time. A time, indeed.
I have been ill. Not so.
I am in recovery. Correct.
In April of this year [2016] I experienced emergency brain surgery. Three weeks were spent in the hospital [out of my mind]. I have since spent the last several months at my sister’s home, in recovery.
The entire team of doctors/surgeons were impressed with my quick and full recovery.
What happened?
That was the favored question of the team.
Several members told me that the success I had with the illness and the recovery, were literally unheard-of.
What happened, what saved me?
It was a combination of the health and the genes I had on the day it happened.
What was it?
I was at my hometown Whopper. An aneurysm on a main vein ruptured. I had  a seizure, passed out, woke up, spoke of having too much heat. The people who worked/visited there, called the EMT crew and it went from there.
Those several weeks in the hospital, seriously, I was out of my mind. I have no memory of that experience. The only part of it I do recall is the day I was being released.
The two elder sisters were there, telling me that I was going home with the Number Two sister. I’d be staying there for as long as it took [for me to recover].
Me, stay at my sister’s home until I recover? Really? Why? What happened?
[ @#!*% , I asked that question with a great deal more urgency than the doctors did.] The sisters told me piece by piece about the thing but I never ended up with enough information. I’m still seeking to know.
I had a stroke. The reason it hurts so badly is that as you may know, I am healthfully aware: of myself, my age, nutrition, exercise, etc.
I am a minister.
My work is in biblical principles of health and wellness.
I host a weekly radio show.
But noooo
I. Had. A. Stroke.
That is entirely heartbreaking.
Somehow or other, I passed over sooo much information that I encountered about stroke and high blood pressure and stress and weight and so forth…a lot.
Instead of applying it, I just left it there.
It never once occurred to me that I was a living, breathing stroke, waiting to happen.
But I was.
And I did.
I am also left almost-daily headaches and intermittent dizziness.
I have learned something about my long-term memory aiding my brain’s recovery. All this information is extremely interesting. I’ll never get enough of it. And I don’t imagine that I’ll ever stop talking it over, if someone will listen.
Thank you for your time in reading this post, my dear. It is the beginning of my posting recovery. There is a great, great deal to share; more to come.
Yes, there will be pictures.
Stay well!

Sandra d.


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