Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Well, in keeping with my IT moment on my blogtalkradio show, I am busy setting up my e-commerce experience, really setting it up.

Take a good look at this photo, which is also my opening store front. It gives you a good idea of what my offerings include. And, best of all, there is always so much more to come. Thanks for stopping. Come back soon/come back often.

Please remember, I enjoy and encourage your comments/feedback/emails! So keep'em coming! 
As always, 


Sandra d. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Things I love and Love to Sell!

Good Morning! I must--simply must--take a moment and give you an idea of what I'm doing these days, mornings, nights!

Amongst others: seriously putting together an e-commerce store. It's a lotta fun and gives me something really cool to do with all my thrift store finds.

Now's your chance! Get out there and find some to sell online and stay close. I'll share with you what I do and I progress.

Meantime, please look for my book: Arise and Walk: Biblical Principles of Health and Wellness.

as usual, Livewell/DrinkTea!

Your friend, Sandra d. - thehealthReverend!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

You know, one thing for sure about movement, if you're doing something, you're not doing nothing. I mean you can't stay still and move but forward at the same time.

You know I've said this before but I intend it this time. No more weeks without blogging! 

Here's a nice photo for you and in the meantime, I'll be looking for more.

Rejoice! Only seven--that's 7--more days til spring. and Florida now has legal same-gender marriage.

BTW: I'm moving to Jacksonville Easter Weekend! 

More later, but not so late this time, ok! 

A Nice, Big Smile!

And Then Another One.

Let's Have Tea Soon, Ok?

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